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Get Your Jango Fett Unmasked Skin Here!


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Quit being such an ass. If any of you can't make constructive remarks, you shouldn't post at all. You turn people away from the community and editing in general - and that's a bad thing.


I don't give a rat's patoot if these kinds of skins are good or bad. It a guy who's willing to commit something to the community. He doesn't need people throwing crude, rude, and very unprofessional remarks at him.


By all means, say: "You shouldn't cut and paste like that without texturizing the vague areas," or something along those lines. Saying "this is the worst thing to happen to JK" isn't helping anyone, and it really makes you all look like jerks.


Here's a tip: Grow up.

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To call all of the "critics" in here pathetic would be to descend to the same level of stupidity in unhelpful critisicm that you have.


To the author: don't stop because of this bull. I'll readily say that I'm not a fan of the skin, sure. Just be sure to look for the SCANT few bits of constructive criticism in this thread for your future skins. Make sure not to copy-paste already existing images as the basis for your skin, for instance. Strive for more detail overall, in the face, armor, and clothing.


I haven't skinned since JK1, so I'm afraid I can't offer much more than that. Above all, though, don't be afraid to ask for help from the few decent human beings that I know must exist SOMEWHERE in these forums.

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First, perhaps Vektor you should look for someone who is bashing Down's Syndrome before you rapidly defend it. I said nothing of the kind of "People with down's syndrome are stupid" or anything like that. I merely commented on how the skin had that appearance. Damn jesus freaks, didn't you just sin by calling me a fag? You should run off to confession now...


God didn't make squat. It's a genetic miscode by the loss of a single chromosome, and that gives, along with the mental disfunction, a squinty-eyed appearance.


Getting really off topic now...

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Tems, I'm with you. I've been on edge of leaving these forums all together for some time now. What in the hell is going on here is beyond me, but the general flaming and threatening of being flamed for defending this guy is pretty bizarre. Especially after all the work I've seen you accomplish, I'm quite surprised that a hard working well respected person of these boards should recieve any crap from anyone.


So you guys keep it up and chase all the other people who would like a moderated editing forum for people who would like nothing better than to work on this game.

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Behavior of this sort shouldn't be tolerated here. I thought these forums were built on respect for mutual interest, hobbies, and drive for knowledge.


Apparently, not everyoen agrees with that.


I'm reporting this thread to a moderator. No one should be at the end of this assult. Not in an editing forum - not when someone makes an honest attempt to contribute to the community.


Some of your really disgust me. It's people with that kind of lack of respect that should leave.

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yeah guys... some of the posts in here have been a bit harsh... not saying i think the skin is decent or anything but i think that some stuff would have been better left unsaid. As for The_One what has been said before for practicing, learning the tools and not copying (if that was the case...), that goes double - everyone has to start somewhere and nobody starts perfect. Hope some of these comments didn't scare you off. The skin does really need some work though, man


if you have any questions about how-to's or anything feel free to fire away, i'm sure some of us here (myself included) would be glad to help out

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Poor turnout we've got here... let's try not to traumatize the new guys too much, alright guys?


I've sure noticed a good number of asses hanging around this forum. Seems like they are everywhere... damned shame, too.


The skin isn't bad. It's also not very good. From what I've seen the textures are very flat and plain. What you need to do is make heavier use of light and shadow to give the textures an illusion of depth.. and well texture.


Like it was said before, put more detail in this time around.

However, if you're new to skinning, go find some photoshop and general skinning tutorial. polycount.com is a great place to start.


Also, consider checking out their forums. There are tons of really talented artists there that could probably help you.


I've been skinning since mid 1998... I'm still a ways off from being as good as I'd like to be. But if you practice, you can get decent pretty fast.


So keep at it.

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wes you sure like to sink your hooks in to every thread.. going to find another way to advertise that crappy website of yours? WHo are you to impose rules.. Most of this is constructive.. we merly hide them behind jokes of some kind or another. I dont see a crown on top of that spiked hairdew so dont start barking out orders

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This is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen, it almost made me vomit. In fact, the pure terror unleashed from my neurons as my eyes absorbed this horror was enough to kill everyone in Lebanon. If I had a choice between systematically removing each skin cell from my member with a hot sautering iron and viewing this again, I would end up dickless. In closing: Evan Nash don't ever post another ****ing word you abusive piece of ****. Ok thanks!

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Originally posted by gonk-raider

wes you sure like to sink your hooks in to every thread.. going to find another way to advertise that crappy website of yours? WHo are you to impose rules.. Most of this is constructive.. we merly hide them behind jokes of some kind or another. I dont see a crown on top of that spiked hairdew so dont start barking out orders


yes I totally agree with you! In celebration of your genius I have collected some of this constructive criticism:




I.....I...just......well.....the.... I honestly dont know what to say right now. By all logic, the entire internet should have crashed at even the thought of having to host such a nauseating image. After looking at that skin, i feel like i have a hangover, and i havent even been drinking.


In all honesty . . . I can eat some crayons and crap a better picture than that . . .


Just because it's his first skin doesn't give him the right to unleash it's horrid virus all of the internet.

Some things are better left burned, then burned again till it's only ashes.

Then burn the ashes.


I am sorry but that is the worst pile of junk in the history of junk, crap, garbage, poop, puke, or anything horrible.


Oh god. Anyone who thinks this skin is at ALL good should be shot.


Anyone who defends this guy's skin is obviously as mentally handicapped as he is.

Deal with it. Some things just SUCK.









About as constructive as an arsonist. I have this feeling that this 'thinly veiled constructive criticism' has just switched over to a burkha

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Gonk, that's the kind of nonsense I'm talking about. I didn't make the rules. And I sure as hell am entitled, as a member of this community, when I think people are acting like complete jerks. I'm pretty sure being respectful is a part of the rules in this forum. And many of you aren't following it.


Condemning this skin isn't constructive. It's rude. And I sink my hooks where I please - especailly when someone gets attacked needlessly.


And my avatar rather rocks, thank you.

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have you ever heard of Andy coffman??? Well, he was a comedian with a twisted sense of humour.. andhtats all my comment was ment to be.. So.. very glad that you thought you were fighting back for the injustices ..to celebrate your worthless efforts you should go give your self a carrot flavord laxative




all of your efforts are in vein for all of this has just been a plot to bring out the people in our community that have dieria of the mouth :c3po: and YOU WIN! laides and gentalmen I present you the loud mouths of lucasform.com...



At least i hope im correct that suchaawful skin was put out perposely for catch these defenders of right and might that have too much time on their hands.. or else.. NOOOO NOOO! ITS NOT TRUE!!

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Guest seantree

It is so nice to see that these types of posts aren't tolerated by all, it gives me some hope for the human race. As for the The One, please don't let this put you off. Keep workin at it!!

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Originally posted by gonk-raider

have you ever heard of Andy coffman??? Well, he was a comedian with a twisted sense of humour.. andhtats all my comment was ment to be.. So.. very glad that you thought you were fighting back for the injustices ..to celebrate your worthless efforts you should go give your self a carrot flavord laxative




all of your efforts are in vein for all of this has just been a plot to bring out the people in our community that have dieria of the mouth :c3po: and YOU WIN! laides and gentalmen I present you the loud mouths of lucasform.com...



At least i hope im correct that suchaawful skin was put out perposely for catch these defenders of right and might that have too much time on their hands.. or else.. NOOOO NOOO! ITS NOT TRUE!!


Learn to spell and people might take you seriously, you human wasteland.


I don't think Andy 'Coffman' would think you have a 'sick sense of humour' as much as degenerative one.

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Originally posted by gonk-raider

I'd like to correct my spelling of hte mans name Kaufman.. I APPLOGIZE IM SORRRY WHAT DO YOU WANT LEAVE ME ALONE! WHY ME WHY ME WHY ME! WHY WHY WHY HWY.. oh wait i dont care


get over yourself

unlike me, Tems had the good sense not to rub your face in your worthlessness in regards to the english ****ing language

and yet you blow it up as some sort of insult in the vein of your now-famed 'sick sense of humour'


go take a 'carrot flavord' slap in the face, and stop being such a plague

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It's a moderated forum. That kind of crap doesn't work here. Yeah, you can say what you want, but you'll be thrown out if you say the wrong things.


But yes. You're right. This thread is getting tiresome. But I'll be right here, playing "hypocrite" until a mod closes it.


And frankly, I think you're just being rude. Why that is, I really haven't a clue.

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The_One, Here is some ACTUAL comments about your skin that you might want to take into consideration. I won't be mindlessly bashing like some the more rude and childish members of this forum. I'll do my best to be constructive.


1.) No sugar coating here, it isn't that good. It IS a decent first attempt, but before you release your skins, try to refine them to the point where you know at least a good number of people will like it. If you want an opinion in mid-work, just post pics and ask for advice. People like some of these jerks are even harder when you release it before it's truly done.


2. You need more detail and blending. What you have looks rather plain, and you could've replaced alot of it with recolored textures used by the makers of JK2. It's not as a respected practice as original skins, but it will improve the look greatly until you are used to making your own textures. Find what looks close to the cloth you want to show, and use it.


3.) Practice making your own textures, and just keep remaking them till you see the details working out how you want. As I said, if there is a texture supplied with JK2 that is a good match for what you're wanting to make, use that until you get better, or unless it's pretty dead on for what you want.


4.) If you use materials from another skinner, get permission first before you release or show off anything. They deserve credit for the work they've done. Also, try to go with a combination of original textures made by you blended with JK2 textures from the game. As you get into more skins that need original work and better looking textures, set the bar even higher. Try to set incremental goals instead of shooting for the top.


Mostly just overall suggestions for improving work. Everyone has to start somewhere, and it's not too bad of a start. I have seen a skin so bad that it was almost one solid color with bad painted on details of another color.... (it actually hurt my eyes looking at it. Bright red on bright blue)


Don't listen to the dregs of this forum. They're apparently too full of themselves to actually post anything constructive. You making a skin in the first place shows some capability, and with time and practice you can get better. All you need to do is not give up and go for it.

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