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Get Your Jango Fett Unmasked Skin Here!


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Evan_Nash, what do you know?


You can even tell what is supposed to be Gray or what is supposed to be Tan!


Seriously though, you people are far too harsh. I realize that it's not that good, but to say hurtful things is just sadistic. It isn't constructive and is only said to be mean and make yourselves feel better/superior. I thought most people in this forum were beyond that.


I just find it sad that you feel the need to post that. You gain nothing in doing so, except merely pleasure at offending others.

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Jesus I never felt as old as I did reading this thread. If anyone has a twisted sense of humor it's me, but I don't find much of this funny. Is the skin bad? No question. Should it ever have been put out for public consumption? Never. Should the kid have been attacked like he has for making it? No. I mean ****in christ, the same people who will defend modding for the pleasure of doing it are amazingly quick to smack someone down for enjoying it as well and trying to pass on his enjoyment to everyone else. So laugh at the **** and don't download it, but there is no need to insult the kid personally over it. Calling someone talentless for trying something they've never done before is f*ckin' weak.

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Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?


There is nothing left to say here, humans as a whole tend to destroy themselves, and overestimate their own importance in the grand scheme of things. Society will eventually collapse into a degenerate mob, but until then, let's try to keep it on the DL yo...


you are all fighting for a cause that isn't your own, so my question, is: why bother?


The only one that should defend anything here is the artist of the skin. The rest of you are simply fighting to stay on top of a hill that doesn't even exist. Your position of importance will always be solidified in your own mind, so why bother trying to demonstrate that quality to others, who have already decided as you have, to rank their own idea first and foremost?


As far as self-improvement, lets go for an end to hypocrisy for one, a more articulated and civilized (using a standard societal definition) vocabulary, and an attempt at a realization as to what direction you are attempting to head with what few, and foolish words you do use.

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"you are all fighting for a cause that isn't your own, so my question, is: why bother?"


It is my own cause. The fact that I can no longer assume that I won't be verbally shat upon for contributing to the modding community, or trying to express myself artistically, upsets me to no end. And by expressing my view of dissent [while others express similar views with me], I'm giving all like-minded opinions in the community a voice, no matter how crude or symbolic a level that voice may exist upon.


But forget all of that. What it boils down to is, I'm trying to keep a little common decency here. Damned if that isn't my cause.


The fact that you'd recommend that I stay ignorant while another human being is insulted on such a level [not to mention the completely unnecessary and frankly, unacceptable references to Down's Syndrome, etc.] is laughable.


Thank you for keeping a respectful tone, but even if you're gonna sugarcoat it, there's no reason for you to tell me, basically, to shut up.


This isn't what the modding community needs be like. These people should know that, and the artist in question definitely should. Again, common decency--and I'm a part of that "common" group. Thus, I speak out.

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Okay the skin isn't great but its the guy's first crack! For all you lot know he might be new to computers/gaming, he might even be a 8 year old kid!


What started as a fairly simple premise (make skin-post skin-get constructive criticism) turned into the mother of all slanging matches. Jesus you guys. Take some Kalms or something.


The_One...it needs work, but like i, and most other decent people have said, its not awful...well it is but you know, its your first attempt. PLEASE dont be scared out of this community because of ignorant people, its not all bad. Well it is...oh forget it. Just keep on practicing and eventually you'll get it sorted. Nice one m8




oh and has anyone else noticed how he hasnt posted on here since the very first message? i think you lot have scared him off.

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Originally posted by D'akt Sangwar

completly OT here, manka act, i looooove ure avatar, its freakin me out, hehehehe


hey thanks man, that was the intention


and Gonk raider your increasingly apparent ignorance about the world around you disgusts me

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I despair I really, really do. OK, I realise now, perhaps I should have aquainted myself with skinning more, and perfected the skin a hell of a lot more before I put it out. But you don't have to click the download button. I thought when I clicked back in this thread I'd find comments like "It's not too good, but nice for a first attempt", "How about you try this...." or "To be honest it's not that good, but try doing this, this and this and check this website out for some more tips".


But instead I get flamed becase I'm new to skinning. Yes, I've never ever tried it before and so it was bound to be fairly shabby. But, for your personal information I am actually very adept in Photoshop, I've done logos, banners etc.. for many sites before, but applying those skills to skinning was never going to be easy. The skills are completely different, and that is why it wasn't very good. New to computers? No, I've been using computers on a serious basis for about 5 years, so I do know what I'm doing. Learning a new skill and producing something to show for it in one afternoon is more tricky however, so I produced a sub-standard piece of work.


And as for all you jerks out there, I have taken a lot of offence to what you have said. I've been a forum lurker here since way back in the says of Epi 1 Obi Wan, and never have I seen the community so unfriendly. Just what precisely are you hoping to acheive from this? Down's Syndrome? Do you have any idea what you are saying? That is a severe from of prejudism especially as someone close to me in my family has a serious mental illness, so think before you open your mouth. If I ever met the guy who brought that up, you can be assured he'd be recieving a large punch in the face as I have taken great offence to that comment. I expect a full apology, and you're lucky I'm being as kind as I am about it. I could make a formal complaint to the admins but because I'm a reasonable guy I've chosen to abstain.


Yes, I will be carrying on skinning but I'll make sure I'm more familiar with the skill before I attempt anymore work. Any links you have and any more constructive criticism would certainly help :)


I hope you don't produce more threads of this nature, as you are turning a friendly, helpful community into an unwelcoming and quite disgusting one. Change your attitudes or you'll find you start losing respect fast.


Finally, thanks to those people (albeit 5 or so of you) who offered constructive criticism over my work. Cheers :)

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Well, given the direction this thread has taken, i feel i need to swing by and offer an apology of sorts. As i was one of the first to voice my harsh opinions about this skin, i feel somewhat responsible for what this thread has turned into.


I will not post a retraction about my feelings for this skin. I said before that it was bad and i still believe it. I will not say "dont worry The_One, it isnt that bad" just so his feelings arent hurt, because it is that bad. I think the skin is bad, that is my opinion and i am entitled to it.


What i will do, however, is apologize for the way in which i worded my opinion. What was intended to be a humorous explanation of my feelings towards this skin, turned into and added to, harsh and unhelpful comments.


My position stands somewhere between the bleeding hearts on this thread, and those who believe that this skin is the anti-christ. While I will not tell others how to act, I feel that we should not sugercoat critisicm for the sake of someone's feelings. I would not want my own work to be judged in such a fashion, as it does not seem helpful in the least. If i produce crap, and am told that it was a 'good try' and to 'keep it up' then am i being pushed to perfect my craft? or merely being placated so i wont realize the awful truths of my work?


But on the flip side of the same coin, i feel that any comments offered, while they should be honest and truthful, should also contain some measure of constructiveness. This is where i display myself as the hypocrite, because while my comments were truthful, they contained no such constructive intent.


so i apologize to The_One and to the community, for being detrimental and unhelpful in the face of work that would most benefit from a helping hand.



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Nicely done Absath.


Truly the biggest problem here is that not too many people gave The_One a "Good Try" or a "Keep it up" mostly he was harshly thrashed.


The_One, If you've left, I don't blame you, but if it's because you feel like ass, just change your name and give it anoher try.


Good Luck to you.

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I wouldn't have treated him so badly if it wasn't so blatantly obvious that he yanked the texture from another, slapped a strange color on it, and put it up as if saying


"Here is the skin. U download it."


Geesh, That wouldn't be SO bad if he hadn't put up the "Please give me comments and pointers! :)" When it was obvious that probably nothing besides the face was work he actually did.


And IMHO, The reason for all the flames is simple-- This guy could have picked a better subject for a "First" skin. Jango Fett is the father of the Boba Fett whom we all know and love. Thus, it's easy to see why so many people get pissed off at a bastardization of the character. Besides that, the skin is just plain ol' bad. But i'll go on a limb and say,


"It's not bad for a first time cut-and-paste."



Hope i made you Forum police happy. Now it is time go back to working on Vicious_Bot 2.1...

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No. There's no excuse for that kind of behavior.


I'm happy that at least one person around here came to his senses and appoligized for his rude demeanor. Lord knows that we should be honest when critiquing a piece of work, but there's a solid line between criticism, and blatant insults.


But, hey, The_One. Stick around. From the looks of things, the thoughtful-hearted population far outweighs the jackasses around here. It's just unfortunate that too many of the latter have larger mouths.


I'm more in this for the principle of the matter. I don't care about the skin, as I do about people treating each other with civility. I'm pretty sure that we can conduct ourselves in a more professional fashion the next time something like this comes up.

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I was going to say more, but I'll just say this:


You've already pointed out with harsh voices that you dislike this skin. Anything else is just excessive bashing to poke at someone.


People, this thread has had enough negativity. If you're gonna post some more, try and be polite, constructive, and encouraging so that the author can gain insight and improve.

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i hope you all really feel retarded for *****ing about a skin that sucks sooooo much dirty dog dick.. it sux, get over it, live on. and GONK, i agree with everything you said, you are my god. may you live a thousand years without troubles.






p.s. your all a bunch of fags

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