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Desann is a wuss *Spoilers*


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Argh. On my third try I beat Desann in 30 seconds.


I put on heavy stance, walked down to him, put speed burst on, charged him and got 3 or 4 hits. As soon as my speed burst ended I bursted agian and hit another 3 times. When it ran out I ran away from him and he lightninged, so i used a bacta and by then had half my force agian so I charged agian, he saber thew, it fell on the ground and I hit his defenceless ass another 5 times and he died. Bah.

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I've actually got something related to this, since I just finished the game this morning. Desann owned me the first couple times I tried him, mainly because I just woke up. Then I tried something...used LIGHT (blue) stance, and went with the trusty forward upward thrust (crouch+forward+attack). Desann walked over to me and I landed the hit perfectly, moved the mouse a little bit, and he died. That was the entire battle, only lasted about 2 seconds...but before that, we would fight for a few minutes before I would die. I felt kind of cheated, I guess I got lucky.. I had been jumping around and we were up on a ledge from the center of the room. ANYWAYS, point being, yeah, he's a pansy.

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Welcome dravin1911. Well, you can look at it that he is weak or you can look at as one well put it more real. Usually bosses take an astounding number of hits to win, with desann you played him as a real person. This can be good and bad. It can make it easy for a good gamer but then again like it was said above it makes it more realistic. I agree, he was a little too easy (two heavy stances and that it's) but we can't have everything now can we ^_^.

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I've noticed that a lot of the characters are like that. Sometimes you land a great shot and they die instantly, and other times you are forced to duel it out, because you can't get that one hit to kill them. The reborns and dark jedis come to mind. The first time I fought one of those dark jedi, he whooped my butt. Then on my third try, I must have gotten lucky but I killed him in one swipe! Like some of you are saying... it's just more realistic that way. Anyways... back to the hunt.

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Last night, I was dueling Tavion on Jedi level. We musta gone on for a while. Anyway, I used up my Bacta and attacked because I figured I was gonna die. Somehow, I got that lucky shot like y'all are talking about and I got her in the back, but not before I was knocked down to 4 health!! So, I'm starting the Cairn installation with 4 health (why didn't Kyle Force Heal himself on the ship, get patched up by Lando, etc?) and no Bacta. Suggestions, anyone?

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I found that one real good head shot with the Light Saber will finish most any of them...


Was heading to the acad. last night. I was jumping up through the rocks, and a Dark Jedi jumped out at me. It startled me, I jump atacked and as I went over his head I must've got him good. He was gone nothing but a force jewel laying there ;)



Nomads Place II


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