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DFA countering


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Ways to counter DFA


Since this move, when used against me has given me an extremely hard time I'd like to know how you people counter DFA spammers in NO FORCE and DUEL situations.


Here are some tactics that are supposed to work, but I've never been able to execute them well. :(


- Roll under DFA'er and back swing

- Kick DFA'er when his saber still behind him during the move and then follow up

- Slash him on the his side when he's in the air during his jump

- Attack during DFA'er's recovery (Note: If I try this I usually die for some odd reason :( )


If anyone is willing to share a quick and effective way to counter this move please do :D

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DFA has given me a hell of a lot of pain as well, i managed to kick him 5 times or so, and dodged 99% of the time, but sooner or later he lands that )$#*$)@#$.


need help too :(


btw, your dying when trying to attack him during recovery from the subterranean lightsaber. That thing is still lethal.

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This is why I dislike no force duels....I think the funnest duels are when only neutral powers are allowed. Drain and heal are fine but they only serve to stretch teh duel out.


At any rate, being the noob I am ive only been able to figure one thing....patience. Last guy who did this to me I just kept dodging and when I saw an opening I took it. You can't get to close without dieing so don't, just wait for them to goof the attack or hit them while they are not doing it. This attack is another reason why I like saber throw :)

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I've taken out a lot of DFA spammers with saber throw. I just wait for them to attack, move out of the way, and hit them with a throw during their recovery. I imagine it's a bit embarrasing to be killed by someone who only used saber throw. Usually after a few fights like that, they will change their strategy.


The main thing when fighting a strong stance user is to stay mobile and keep an eye on his saber. YOu will eventually get to a point where dodging strong stance attacks becomes second nature.

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Eneny DFAing towards you?


I've seen many people that just take 2 steps back with a strong slash ready and while they are close, they get cut.


Also, DFA to counter a DFA will work with good timing...


I'm an advocate of the Medium stance so don't take me as a "heavy only" dude.


Also, If u hit the enemy before they get to the apex of the jump, they'll fall back and not hit u.

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The best way IMO to counter DFA, is to side step and use a medium swing to take em for some damage (i usually step right, then come back with a left, left-back swing, which usually will come from top right to lower left, and right into their back b4 they ever get turned.)


Or, just wait for em to DFA, jump back, and return the favor...

If ur a DFA spammer, the single most painful thing u can go thru is to be killed by someone using dfa.

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I'm not incrediably good, but one tactic that seems to work wonders for me against strong (espicially the horizontal haymaker swing) is to throw your saber at them the instant before you jump over their head. one of two things happens. 1 )They stare at the saber and block it, while you land behind them, catch your saber that's still moving in the direction you threw it from (cause you're behind him now) and you attack his back, or 2) they watch you in which case the saber hits them in back and you're no worse for wear.

This is only a valid tactic if they are strong and you are light/medium. If they arn't strong then they still have time to block saber and hit youbefore you catch your own saber. If you are strong then same thing, you can't get your counter off quick enough.

Again, i'm not a saber god, just a dude with a trick or two up his very short sleeves.

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Use the best defence-breaking move in the game, of course...



Back+Right Strafe+Attack on Strong Stance


More range than the DFA attack, and rather fast too.



Begin the swing after you see your enemy start his, and when he jumps into DFA, strafe to the side and slash his head off with your delayed attack.


Works all the time.

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