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Jedi Academy (Read All)


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We are currently working on a submission for trainer thing on the site, but we canot get it to work, once that does, the site will be up. The first thing the site will have is the applications for trainers, once we select the trainers, we will then open the academy for all. So start gettin ready for the Academy. (BTW, We need a quote for the site, so if you can email me them let me know, or jsut post on the forums, prize for best one)


Also, I am currently dosnloading the JK2 Editiing tools, hmm, wonder whats in it. Well....... Seems like the academys leader, will be releasing mods, skins etc...... Wait did I just hear that the academy will have custom skins? WHAT? And custom Maps etc........... Too good to be true?


Well im not promising anything, but im certainly tryin, alright just settin an update for all, alright laters!


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Edit: It just occured to me that by quote you could have easily meant some kooky little quip that people would associate with the site. So, if that is the case and you'd still like help with the site, let me know. -Noodly


Second edit: I should really read things more thouroghly before posting. It is indeed obvious that you meant a site quote, not a cost quote. So, I got rid of that first paragraph and am leaving these. If you want help with html, php or flash let me know. (noodlygod@focuslost.com)

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Yeah. You taking the name "Trainer" is so completely original, not to mention you probably also own the copyright.


Geez, look at the game for cryin' out loud. There's a model named "jedi_trainer".


Did Raven copy you too? Or did you copy Raven?


Either way, IT DOESN'T MATTER! So don't get all touchy on the subject ;)


It's like Intel with their court battle against the "Yoga Inside" group...a nonprofit organization that teaches Yoga. Intel took 'em to court for naming themselves "Yoga Inside", saying they were obviously trying to capitalize on the popularity of the "Intel Inside" ads...and that furthermore, Intel should be the only company allowed to use the phrase "[blank] Inside" in ANY advertising. How's THAT for arrogance? :D

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I can picture it now. A bunch of stormtrooper apprentices saying "Hey, you there!" everywhere. EVERYWHERE! That's also a good site quote is it not? Well maybe for an Imperial academy that teaches how to use guns instead of the force and sabers.


I don't know about learning to use guns Assualt3000. But there's all sorts of elite procedures that would require intense drill practice. For example, recuits start at the end of a hall, when an alarm sounds, they charge forward, firing their blasters at the overhead lights, and run blindly into a closing bulkhead door, hitting their heads and knocking themselves unconscious.



And here's the recruiting slogan: Hey, You There! Join the Imperial Academy today. Simple and to the point.

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