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Saber move


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Ok, quick question. When I"ve been playing lately, I'll come across a lot of players that are using the heavy stance. They tend to do this move when they leap at you, and swing down with their sabers, ending in a crouch. How do you pull that off?>

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at the same time press




should work, but its hard to pull off sometimes


there is a simialar move with the yellow stance, with the same button combo, but with that one the enemy MUST be right in front of you for you to do it. i still cant get either of them to work every time, but hey, i get em usually....good luck friend



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"To do the Leap Attack, move forward while swinging straight. When you character's hands come together on the saber, press JUMP."


Clipped that from "ArmchairAthlete's Guide to Dark Side Dueling".

Just can't get to my head where i got it. Might be here somewhere. :confused:

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heh. once i was pulling off that move but my openent did the SAME thing at the SAME time. we slammed in mid air and both died.


There's also an other move that you can use to counter this. In the medium stance you can crouch and do an up-cut attack.


simply couch (dont move aroudn or you'll roll) and press foward+attack.


when the attacker makes that leap sidestep and do that move. it should work and you'll get him right in his torso.

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Jackal, that's a Light move, not Medium. And it doesn't work well in this situation at all; it does about the damage of a medium swing, and then the person comes down on you with his DFA and kills you instantly.

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Crouch and then stand up upward swing should only be done by light stance, if in medium, it will only be crouching forward and downward swing. You kill the guy may be because light stance is faster to do and he is low in health and shield, so you drop him before he finish the swing.

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