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A Tip for All You Mind Trick Wh0res!!


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After you activate the jedi mind trick turn your saber off!!!


The opponent can still see your saber's glow on the ground even after you've disappeared. Either turn your saber off or switch to another weapon.


Some fellow kept killing me the other day even though he was being affected by my mind trick. At first I thought it was some kinda cheat/hack/whatever, because he still had the "stars" floating around his head (indicating that he was under the mind trick). Well, I come to find out that he was just following the glow of my saber. :p


Just a tip.




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OH, don't tell them, this will keep the stupid jedi (not you) think that mind trick is not working quite well. I see many jedi mind trick me and still glowing with the saber, really GOOD use of force. Once a jedi mind trick me before me and I saber throw him immediately, he die because he is too close to run away.

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I ve just tried out if you could see the glow against a mind tricker and it simply didn t work .... His glow did disappear ( it was against a bot , so i don t think he knows ur trick =) ) ...


Perhaps maybe it s becuz of the patch that put the glow on every weapon perhaps....



Can you be more specified by the way he killed you??? did he use force of grip or somthin ????


Legend of Khaydarin


PS: maybe im the only guy who had that prob...

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I have spectated on a holocron saber only server and FFA server, mind trick only make your body and weapons disappear, not your saber glow. Sometimes the glow keep on even you are not using the saber. I see glowing on the floor moving and the other player see it also. And I myself see the glow moving when I am flag protecting in a saber only CTF server, but sometimes it is hard to notice if the mind tricker move so fast that the pale glowing is not obvious.

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Yep, I'm sure.


Th guy who was fighting me even chased me down and sabered me. I was like "wtf?" I didnt have much room to run or hide because we were on one of the maps with narrow corridors (Star Destroyer...I think). Anyway, like I said, I asked him afterwards and he told me that he could see my saber's glow. :(


However, I'll say that there have been times where the glow is invisible as well. Therefore I dunno if this is a bug or what. The best advice I can offer is to check yourself for the glow after you activated the mind trick. If you still see it, then turn your saber off.


Thanks for the feedback though guys.





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I've never noticed saber glow when people use mind trick, but I do hear them running up to me. Fortunately, all I have to do is hold grip and follow the sound, works every time :). Kind of ridiculous actually! Maybe the saber glow shows up if your mind trick is not level 3?

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Originally posted by Monnnster

I've never noticed saber glow when people use mind trick, but I do hear them running up to me. Fortunately, all I have to do is hold grip and follow the sound, works every time :). Kind of ridiculous actually! Maybe the saber glow shows up if your mind trick is not level 3?




I ALWAYS use lvl 3 mindtrick :) Anything less would be uncivilized.


Also, I ALWAYS crouch and walk after I use the mind trick on my target. Its especially important to do this if they are intent on finding you. Crouch walking doesnt make any footstep noise and if my target is standing still then I crouch walk up to him and give him a good kick.


After that they usually start spazzing out and slashing in every direction--which is pure joy to watch =)





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I personally use mind trick alot on FFA servers as a finnisher to a long duel (not a quote unquote duel just a battle with another person) or escape move when im low on life. As for that saber glow thing, if thats the case then my opponets must have been either newb's or blind cause i always get away and or kill them once they are under the spell.


As for it being used on me, its simple enough to stop. Usually i will start by backflipping away form the last postion my enemy was at. Once im sure i have made some distence i pop on sight and there he is chasing me LOL simple.


and yea i agree its funny watching them spazz out when that happens, or better yet they run away but get saberd in the back (speed anyone?)

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