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Part good idea part rant<-----READ!


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Part rant, part good idea!


If you don't want to hear my rant then just skip to the bottom of the post....


Ok, since Jedi Knight II seems to have issues on one system, and on another system with the exact same specs, it runs like a dream, why don't we start a huge thread of everyone who is having problems, and what that problem is.



My rant is that I have reloaded my OS probably 3 times since I got JK2. The first time, it ran very well, with hardly any crashes. Unfortunatly, the longer I played, the more errors that crept in. By the end of the 5th level, I was crashing, rebooting, crashing, and generally my blood pressure was having a very bad day.


So I reloaded my os from scratch, using the latest and greatest Det's. w00t, no crashing! But wait...whats this?? Holy crap I get 20 fps, SWEET. Reload old Dets. Bam! Crash-o-la. Reload os 2nd time, load old Det's on. Sweet, I can play again at a good fps w00-----dit...











Wife down the hall, "Honey, whats that noise?" "Me bashing my head against the wall!" Well, actually, it was the dreaded sound loop freezing thingy (ya.....) No matter what I did I cannot get this error to go away, no matter what det's I loaded I could not get the error to CEASE, DISIST, DIEEEEE........


So I reload (Y@Y) a 3rd time. This time I tried to get everything right. I load the recommended Det's, 23.11, totally unclock my cpu, ram, and videocard, totally fresh install of XP. The moment of truth came....YES! It works, no errors, bugs, or freezing. I get my first true freeze free map since I bought the game. (The day it came out) I finish on top of our CTF team, I'm happy, I click ready, cuse I just pwned. Ya.....5 min later........still on loading screen for next map......sweet, I can't change maps without it freezing...*SIGH*


I can't change ANY map ANY time no matter what. Plain and simple, this game needs to be patched SOON, or else people WILL start to leave....

/end of rant


Now on to the good idea part;

Leave all system specs, in this order; (thanks to pissed jedi)


CPU Speed/type

RAM Speed/type

Videocard type/version of drivers

Soundcard type

Mobo chipset

Internet connection

Operating system

Where the game crashes/what error you get



I'll start;


AMD 1600 XP

320 MB PC100 OEM RAM

Geforce 3 TI500 currently on 23.11 Dets

SoundBlaster Live! 5.1 w/XP recommended drivers

1.5/128 DSL through a Lynksys router

Windows XP Professional

Video errors for me; Shadow errors, sound loop crashing. Sound loop crashing, random freezing Map change freezing, sound loop crashing



P.S.- I don't want to hear people come on here and say that the reason people crash or get errors is because they have Windows XP. My bro has Win98 and he gets the same, if not more errors, then me, so I personally don't think its the OS OR the computers


P.P.S- If a mod see's this, can they pls pin it

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I'm not certain, but I've heard other people on here with GeForce chipsets have had problems too. Some of 'em say that updating your drivers to 24.somethingorother works. Also, check the LEC/Raven announcements section. I think there's a thread in there about GeForce chipsets. That may be your problem. I have a very similar system to you and the game runs fine for me. Although, I still don't find Multiplayer that much fun...

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