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Hyperspace War One:Beginning of the End


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I've finished most of the work on it, so it should be ready to be submitted tonight, available from


Battlegrounds Heaven


It has 3 possible ways of winning.

1)You surrender to the Republic Prison

(very short mission, and not very fun)


2 and 3 are activated by not going to the Prison, and waiting 5 minutes.


2)Escape by stealing one of the Republic ships, docked to the south west of the western Republic Base.


3)Escape by stealing a Transport from the Holiday resort in the south east.



None the less, there are a few ways of doing 2 and 3.


Its up to you to find out.

For the next mission, there will be 3 versions available.


1)Dark Awakening


2)Planetfall(with Transport type A)


3)Planetfall(with Transport type B)


It is'nt certain yet, but Dark Awakening, may lead on to Planetfall type A.




"If we are'nt able to stop them here, then darkness shall ravage the Skyscrapers of Coruscant" Empress Teta, to assembled Republic troops prior to the Battle of Vundun Forest.

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yeah, its kinda a thing called a bad day.Bah, anyway, I'm slightly puzzled as to why it was moved here.But I aint gonna complain.Instead I will submit it tonight, and not make any comments about the Tranqulizer bit, much as I'd like to eat the guys liv.. ahem :)



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There are 2 other ways of doing it.Don't go to the prison, and after a while, your time runs out, and the Republic Armys, turn Hostile, then its just a case of getting a ship and getting out of there.


One does wonder how you managed to play it, scince the site I submited it to has'nt posted.But then again One does'nt care.Furthur posts regarding this will be in scenario design.

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