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An examination of Lightsabers !


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In this article I will be examining one of the most elegant weapons ever conceived, and attempt to reasonably explain what it is and how it functions using know examples of science and technology, because I am not satisfied with the vague and empty descriptions given about the hows and whys of lightsabers. (basically all descriptions of saber function have arisen from suplimental work and not from the movie canons) I have paid close attention to the way lightsabers are represented in the Star Wars movies, in the Extended Universe literature, and through scientific research, and have discovered many direct correlations between the physical properties of the saber's blade (as well as blaster bolts) and the substance commonly know as plasma.


Plasma is a highly condensed, super heated gas that is sometimes radioactive and is commonly referred to as being "the fourth state of matter" because of the unique physical properties it inherits when the compressed gas is energized. Plasma is what comprises the sun and stars, and as of late humans have been able to harness its potential for industrial applications. However, although its theoretically possible to reproduce the effects of a lightsaber using plasma, there are factors within our current technological limits that I will explain later, that prevents this possibility in the immediate future.


First, lets look at the properties of plasma. It is usually made of hydrogen and\or nitrogen gas, but its when this gas is compressed and super-heated that a new set of physical properties not normally associated with the original constituents will emerge. Plasma is a form of pure energy, much like that of photon energy or electron energy, but it operates on a different set of principals than other forms of pure energy, much like how mercury, although technically a metal, does not share the same properties of other metals. It is considered the fourth state of matter because it has substance that can change state and be manipulated, unlike photonic or subatomic energy, that once released (with the exception of things like refraction or reflection, and intense gravitational fields) cannot be acted upon by other forces. Plasma is highly reactive to electromagnetic fields, and can be contained and controlled with these fields. Since the energy is not comprised of photons it gives off very little ambient light, much like the light associated with electrons. The color of plasma can vary depending on its chemical composition and the frequency of its energy, the same way stars vary in color. Plasma radiates heat, light and radioactive energy, but a very small fraction compared to the amount generated and contained within the plasma reaction. Photon energy is diffracted by plasma creating an opaque effect (plasma leaves a shadow), whereas photon particles may pass through other photon particles and electrons will covale with whatever they can.



So how does this relate to lightsabers and blaster bolts? Well, the most profound aspect of a saber we should examine first, is how this energy forms the "blade" and how these blades seem to be very solid in substance, deflecting other blades and blaster bolts. This would be achieved by creating a magnetic field that contains the plasma within in. The field would have to be extremely powerful to prevent the energy from dispersing and maintaining its blade shape. This same powerful forcefield that keeps the plasma confined is also responsible for deflecting the other forms of plasma. (Remember the trash compactor scene in A New Hope when Han shoots the door and the bolt ricochettes around the room. Luke said:" its magnetically shielded". Therefore, a properly tuned magnetic field would create a barrier which plasma cannot cross, and in effect repel all plasma that came into contact with in. It is not new or unpracticed to use magnetic fields to contain plasma, but to do so on the technological level seen in Star Wars, is presently impossible for a number of reasons.


The most difficult aspect to engineer would be the magnetic force field that contains the blade. The alignment and configuration the field generators would assume to form the blade shape and the energy source required to feed these generators would be much bigger than we could currently fit into a 30cm lightsaber hilt. Also, the hilt would need to contain a cell of compressed gas used to fuel the plasma reaction. This is not possible to produce such a high-density fuel cell with modern technology (much like how scientist are having difficulty developing a practical hydrogen cell for automobiles). Even if we were to use external sources to provide the power for the saber, the real problem is finding a magnetic alignment that properly contains the plasma within its blade shape. Even if that was possible, its hard to say if the magnetic field generators could be fitted within the dimensions of a weildable hilt.


If we were able to reproduce these variables needed to create a working lightsaber, then the question is "how does it work?" The majority of descriptions given in the Star Wars literature and technical documents are vague and unclear about what the lightsaber is and how it functions. The blade is usually and simply referred to as "energy" and the elements of the hilt are composed of "and energy cell" and multiple faceted crystals that somehow produce the blade. These explanations give a mysterious and fantastical etheric quality to the saber but the same results can be achieved using known physics as a basis. We will assume that it is the near future and that we've discovered a magnetic field pattern that is suitable to the forming of the "blade shape". We have discovered power sources that are small enough to sustain this field and initiate the other functions of the saber (like a miniature fusion reactor in the hilt). We now have super strong materials that can contain quantities of compressed gas needed for the plasma reaction.

This how it will all come together.


When a lightsaber is activated, the first thing that happens is the energizing of the electromagnetic field generators. These are located around the emitter nozzle at the top of the hilt. (As of now the configuration of the generators is unknown. They would work very much like modern day electromagnetic filed generators, but they must be micro-sized and capable of channeling many times more energy without deteriorating.)

The power to create this field and maintain it would need to come from a miniaturized fusion reactor or something equally efficient. 99.9% of the electrical energy generated would be consumed by the force field, the remaining .1% would be used to trigger the plasma reaction. The compressed gas is vented from its cell into the force field. As it passes through the nozzle, it is activated by a spark (or other form of energy) and energized while filling the space within the force field. (the very tip of the nozzle releases the gas and simultaneously energizes it as it passes over the threshold of the force field, so the chain reaction is back-checked and does not flow back to the hilt)

So because the gas does not react to the magnetic field it was allowed to pass into the "bubble" where it is converted into plasma and then contained by it’s new set of physical properties. Other than the maintaining of the force field, and the catalyst for the plasma reaction, the actual blade will require no more energy input. Almost all of the reaction's generated energy is contained within the field, and the only time that significant amounts of the energy is lost is when the field is disrupted (like when the magnetic field of another saber comes into contact with it, resulting in the release of energy, like the flash of light and the sound seen in the movies) or the plasma comes into contact with other matter. To maintain the integrity of the blade if plasma is dissipated, more gas is vented into the field where it is absorbed and energized.


Blasters operate on the same principal as lightsabers, and the bolt projected is also plasma, which is why they can be deflected by electromagnetic fields. A cell of gas (the blaster pack or ammo cell) is depleted much more rapidly than a saber however. The emitter nozzles in blasters would also have electromagnetic field generators, but they are aligned to focus the bolt and accelerate it (like a particle accelerator) at a distant target, not contain it.


Effects like the trademark humming sounds, the blurred light motion, and the color of a lightsaber are all effects that could be reproduced using plasma physics as an explanation. As mentioned above, the color is a side effect of the chemical composition and the frequency (or intensity) of the energy in the reaction. The sound would be produced simply by the aforementioned frequency of the energy causing air molecules around it to vibrate (as well as generating ozone). The blurring is produced by residual photon energy effecting the retina of the viewer (this effect is created with any photon emitting substance that is put in motion), and heightened by the fact that plasma is opaque and absorbs other light.


There are a few other aspects of the lightsaber that can be discussed, and an infinite number of technical questions that pertain to the technology and continuity of Star Wars as a whole. I do not claim this to be a definitive explanation of the hows and whys of lightsabers, but it is an interesting examination of the potential. Pay close attention the next time you see Star Wars and note how much the sabers and the blaster imitate the principals of plasma energy. I don't know if George Lucas knew about such things at the time he conceived sabers and blasters, but I find the coincidence very apparent and surprising.

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umm, sorry to inform you loon, but its not just a movie. There are dozens and dozens of novels, comic books, games, technical documentaries, cartoons and spin-offs. But this is not what I mean even. Star Wars has become so popular that it integrated into our culture on levels that no one imagined it would. Its more popular now probably, than when it was introduced almost 30 years ago. Star Wars has intigued and ensnared many many people, who regard it as their fantasy and means of escaping from dull reality. Star Wars has taken on a life of its own since its creation, fed by the minds of thousands of people. I wrote the article because lightsabers are such and important and instantly recognizable piece of Star Wars, that I wanted to shed some light on aspects of it people dont normally consider. People who love lightsaber and are captivated by them, but like me (I was quite intensely into Star Wars for a while) wonder about things, and arnt content to just know, but ask "why".

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I want a lightsaber...


Anyway... a couple things: In the Essencial guide to Weapons and Tech it says that the blade of the lightsaber is a laser, but that there's a powerful magnetic field in the hilt that actually pulls the blade around after a certain length and then pulls it into the hilt to be emanated again in a loop that is only disturbed when it comes into contact with something (or is completely disturbed when it comes into contact with Cortosis). But then, I don't care how it works, so long as it works ;)

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yes jedi_monk. i have read things like this published about lightsabers (actual, i had The essential guide to weapons and technology as well as many, many other publications) but while its true this is an explanation, it is a fantastical one that does not have much basis in real world physics applications. While it is possible to mimic some of these effects using a laser, there are problems that arise.


First off, lasers (a form of pure photon energy) can be manipulated by magnetic fields, but these fields woud have to be many many times more powerful relative to the small fields that can act upon plasma. ( where plasma can be manipulated on a practical scale for making a lightsaber, the amount of electromagnetic energy needed to bend or control photons in the same way requires a macroscopic intensity similar to that generated by planets and stars)


Take the incredible amount of energy needed to generate the magnetic field, and combine that with the enormous and steady amount of energy required to feed the laser and it becomes impossible to find a power source small enough thats capable of sustaining that kind of output. ( especially making a laser powerful enough to cut through objects laterally with the same efficiency and speed of a saber) Whereas the laser requires constant energy input, the blade of plasma needs zero energy input except for the initial catalyst.


If a magnetic field was used to "pull the light back on itself" the light is still a ray and would now be aimed at the hilt. What would stop the rays motion then?


Even if that kind of power was able to be harnessed in a portable way, there is still the problem with the solidarity of the blade (or lack of). If two sabers who's blades were comprised of lasers were struck together the blades would simply pass through one another. It is the magnetic field around the plasma that repels other plasma, not the plasma itself.


some interesting points to mention:

-lightsabers cast shadow, plasma does this too but laser energy does not.

-A laser would not produce the signature humming sound (except maybe the laser generator, but it wouldnt be the same still)

-the variation of color found in sabers could easily be reproduced with plasma. It would be much harder to vary the light frequency of a laser without compromising its integrity (because a laser is light itself whereas plasma radiates light but is not comprised soley of photons).

-when a saber is activated it slowly expands and takes shape as if it were filling a space. A laser would snap instantly into exsistance and not have the opacity and density apparent in the blade.

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Guest Forceflow

Although I ahte to admit it, this is pretty much the same go I had at lightsabers. It's simply not possible to do them with a laser. But plasma, that's a WHOLE different matter. Here it would mainly depend on how efficiently you could create a magnetic field with a powersource small (and light enough) to be placed in the hilt of a saber...

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Exactly right Exar, plasma is the only way known to us at the moment to replicate what you see on screen...


Unfortunately (?) Star Wars runs on 'magic' being a fantasy fairytale in origin rather than Sci-Fi, so while you could create your version of it, it would be a plasma blade rather than a light sabre. (Many EU sources like SOTE, Jedi Academy trilogy etc. mention a focusing crystal which has no place in a plasma weapon.)


Kudos for the details though, very thorough and to the best of my knowledge accurate. As for the plasma-based blasters, on the money again, and you'll agree that 'turbolasers' are larger versions from on-screen evidence. The only problem with this theory is in determining how stormtrooper armour that can resist plasma hitting it can be defeated by stones and clubs wielded by small furry bipeds :D


Now if only people like you debated on ST vs SW threads...

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Yes, one could assume that the lightsabers in Star Wars are comprised of an energy field that is not known by the laws and example of modern physics, a by-product of such advanced engineering seen in the movies and books. And one would have to make that assumption in order to be consistent and compliant with the descriptions already set forth. But in truth, these explanations come from people who were not aware of plasma properties and how they relate to sabers and blasters, but stuggled to come up with some other semi believable sounding mechanism. As I have said, these fantastical and etheric descriptions fit well with the rest of the fantasy-esque theme in Star Wars.


As for Wars versus Trek, I enjoy both- Although each one brings something different to the table. Star Wars is apealing because it is swashbuckling fantasy adventure wrapped in a sci-fi skin. The concepts and aliens and planets in Star Wars are very unique and original. I like Trek because of its technical consistancy that has basis in real physics but always throws in some wierd paradox or loop-hole to make it interesting. The limited action, and uninspired characters, aliens and places are what really makes me lean more towards Star Wars being overall more enjoyable and entertaining (not to mention the lightsaber action!)

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Hey Exar, great post!


If you've read the Star Wars essential guide to weapons etc. You would find that the lightsaber emits no heat of any kind. Yet in episode 1, Qui Gon is able to burn through a door!? It could be explained that Qui was using the force to manipulate the powers of his blade, but somehow I doubt this...

So you see the writers and people behind Star Wars are always changing the subject matter of technology to conveniently progress through the story. That's fine by me, because they'll still get my money in movie tickets, toys and trinkets.


I still do agree with the plasma theory; that seems to better explain some of the other technology inherent in other weapons and in the lightsaber.

But Star Wars technology is in a galaxy far far away. Perhaps the physics out there are different?

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The only problem with this theory is in determining how stormtrooper armour that can resist plasma hitting it can be defeated by stones and clubs wielded by small furry bipeds

Hah... Stormtrooper armor repelling blasterbolts... that's a good one :D


Stormtrooper armor is for intimidation, not protection :trooper:

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You raise an interesting point Nota, but what you see in all of the star wars movies remains cosistant with what we know of plasma physics. It is the description given in The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology that lacks scientific basis or consistancy.To answer your statement, plasma contained in a magnetic field would radiate light and heat, but a very small fraction is radiated compared to the amount contained within the reaction. Therefore it would be possible to melt objects and cut into them as seen in episode 1 because the metal (or matter in question) is in direct contact with the energy of the plasma reaction where the main body of energy is located. In other words, the heat that a saber blade gives off is comparable to the light that it gives off. If you notice in movies and other descriptions,lightsabers give off little ambient light (objects a foot or two away from the saber do not show any sign of reflection or refraction of the light given off from the saber) and they also give off little ambient heat as well (the actual plasma is what is hot enough to melt through material. The only radiant heat that could be associated with a lightsaber is the kind created by the dissipation of photons, which is proportionally tiny compared to the amount contained within the field). We use plasma in modern industry based on the same principals. I have a friend who operates a plasma cutter which is used to do extremely percision work in the fabrication and machining of metal components. It is the heat of the plasma that does the cutting in question and the effects are similar to what you see in the movie. The cutting is done while the metal is submerged in water to keep the residual heat deterioration at a minimum. ( heat is the rapid movment of particles that collides with other slower moving particles, subsequently speeding them up, and his is how all energy forms work to change the state of things they come in contact with)

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There have been new studies on fuel cell technologies as well as a rumor, or supposed energy device that derives something from nothing. My description is vague and simple, but that is basically what it does = derives something from nothing, and is also very small and portable. So, a lightsaber in the near future could be possible, but it's like you say Exar; How do we contain it?


If there was no one to dream about this, then there would be no one to fly an aircraft, let alone fly *in* one.

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Well Nota, again you put forth interesting ideas to discuss. There are devices such as the perpetual motion engine, and theoretical kinematics that can derive energy from a seemingly non -apparent, infinite and endless rescource. However, I have to argue against the possibility of producing energy from nothing. While the source the energy feeds off may be so miniscule and insignifigant that it is inconcequential and may be concieved as "nothing", it is simply not so. ( I will try to explain without getting into theoretical -quasi\quantum physics) The very fabric of space\time is comprised of an energy field so fine and subtle that it is not detectable, but is still able to be manipulated and drawn from as a source of power (the way jedi utilize the force). It would be this source of fundamental energy that would be used in these types of devices. If anyone is interested, go research theoretical quantum physics and superstring theories to examine the nature of this energy. The force as described in Star Wars is basically the same as other explanations of fundamental energy theories.

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I agree Exar. A lot of this is a little too good to be true, and too fantastical to believe. Although we advance technologically at an amazing speed, and it wouldn't suprise me if indeed such devices are being constructed.


Quantum physics has been somewhat of an interest of mine and I only have a few snippets of knowledge. But if you theorize force powers are derived from this than, it is certainly plausible. But I think I like George's Medichlorian concept from a purely genetics standpoint as an easier way to explain why someone would have a better chance at becoming a saber flinger; Still, Chaos theory and Quantum physics do play a part in it. :)


Although I do hate sequels and prequels for this very reason, even though I still love Star Wars. It's just the things I hate are almost insignificant and hate is too strong a word. )

George Lucas has his opinion about the force, and we have ours. That said, I'm just positive he wrote more background into the force than what we the common viewer see in ANH, A new hope; And that this new Medichlorian thing isn't just a new marketing gimmick. But it's just in our nature to question our reality and to ask why the sky is blue. Just look at what we are doing right now... We are asking how and why a lightsaber works. But when Luke Skywalker or Obi Wan flicks a switch, it is a common thing for them, and ruins some of the mystique of it. Almost like ourselves using a remote or telephone; If we knew everything about the Lightsaber that they know, we probably wouldn't be discussing it with such interest and just say " Ancient weapons and hokey religions are nothing compared to a good blaster at your side." Han Solo

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Again, those are all very valid and true points you raise Nota. Old George seems to have a plan regarding the way he perceives and depicts his creations, regardless of weather he is aware of the true physical properties of them or weather he is just making up explanations as he goes along. For this reason I have a serious problem with the techical consistency of the new trilogy that i will not go into detail about here, but it seems that George is just making it up as he goes. (personally I think the new trilogy was just a marketing sell-out so he could fill his coffers with a little more gold) I think the midichlorions are a simple and shallow excuse on his part to explain why some people are stronger in the force as others. I believe the answer is much more simple than that, and is apparent if you just look at examples in our current time. Jedi's are very similar to todays psychics, but on a more powerful scale. Psychic energy can be directly related to the energy jedi's use, and the fundamental energy described in theoretical physics. the key to tapping into this energy seems to lay soley in the mind.(The intangible portion of the mind that creates our ruling concience apears to be closely linked to fundamental energy- possibly even comprised of it) Some jedi apear more competent in managing certain aspects of the force, just like real life psychics are- Some are more attuned to clarvoyance, while others are telekenetic. If you've ever studied or seen footage of shaolin monks, you can see them do unimaginable feats that would destroy their bodies otherwise, but the only reasonable explanation I can devise is that they use the power of the mind to create some kind of force field that protects their body from damage. I could list many example but the point is that just like in our modern times, there are people that seem more receptive to psychic energy than others (psychic energy is a fundamental energy that would be "the force" in george lucas' world) and its through the further conditioning of the mind and intense concentration, that the full potential of this "force" is unlocked.

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This debate is getting interesting, but a little askew from the Lightsaber origins. So don't let me change your original topic Exar.



:o I'm not here to be preachy, but this is how I feel about Star Wars and it's prequels. George is obviously making them for the extra funds, but I think he is also trying to finish what he began.


As for the Medichlorian topic:

"Psychic energy can be directly related to the energy jedi's use."

What if our present day psychics are a product of their genes? :D



"If you've ever studied or seen footage of shaolin monks, you can see them do unimaginable feats that would destroy their bodies otherwise"


I've seen carnival performers jam swords down their throats. But that doesn't mean I believe what I see. Even though this is an over simplified example, I do feel it gets my point across.

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If George didnt wake up one day and see that his creation was still becoming increasingly more popular than 20 years ago, i dont think he would have bothered. I believe that he had no intention to make any prequels or sequels when he finished the original trilogy. And then when he did finally realize what a money maker it is, he devised the concepts for his new movies without taking into consideration anything that all the other passionate minds had contributed to star wars in the mean time. It is this apparent lack of interest or involvment with the people that have helped foster his creation, that indicates to me he really doesnt care about starwars itself but just the profit potential. Unless he provides an explanation I havent yet heard, it would seem he's even ignored facts that he himself set forth in the original trilogy. (Its like when he wrote the script for episode 1, he didnt even watch the first movies over again for refrences, he just used what he could remember from the original screening he saw 20 years before) I think people like Kevin J Anderson are the ones who really care, and have brought star wars more life than its own creator. (I loved the whole Tales of The Jedi series even though the art was a little crappy at times)


Anyways, about your points regarding the force. I think my example is a little more valid for this reason. To swallow a sword can be done without using kinetic mental energy. You just have to be really careful sliding it in and out (plus im sure the blades are probably duller and not razor sharp) so as long as you work within that margine of error your ok. Its a little harder to implicate that reasoning based on watching a monk throw his body weight against a spear, and not be impaled by it. The spear was pointed at the throat of the monk in question, and he put so much so much weight on it that the shaft of the spear actually bowed as it was braced against the ground. The spear was tested on a soft training target before hand to prove its authenticity. concentration of this energy around the mind that can be revealed)

The mind is the anchor to reality. The "force" is what comprises reality, therefore everything within the spectrum of reality is made of the same fundamental energy. The mind is an intangible form so it is more closely related to the "base" energy it is derived from, and can interact with it. (auras are the collation of this energy around the "mind" that can be percieved using know scientific techniques) So i believe anything with a "mind" is capable of utilizing this energy whether subconciously or conciously. (concious control of it would require more concentration and mental effort) Alot of the time it is the subconcious part of the mind that seems responsible for what happens. There are almost an infinite amount of examples of the way people's intangible mind seem to react with the things around them. While some people may be more receptive to it or just more mentally focused,( I have a friend who can call dice and coin tosses with approx. 95% consistancy- I cannot play Risk or most other games with him because he is impossible to beat) our mind binds us to this force and we become an integral part of it, regardless of the amount of direct control we may have over it.

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Sorry for getting off track like that:D anyway, if the topic of lightsabers and how to make one is interesting you, check out the post provided by Darth Abbadon above. It takes a look at what would be involved if one wanted to attempt to constuct a lightsaber out of a laser. It is very involved (way more than my original article) and the author seems to be well informed about laser physics. The problem is, even he admits that there are alot of theoretics in his design, and even some bent rules and "maybes" and even then, the outcome does not exactly mirror the results produced by a lightsaber. Its seems like while he knows very much about the one aspect (lasers) he is very unaware of plasma and it properties. (I am surprised that one was able to learn so much about energy physics but still be unaware of plasma)

The only thing that prevents the making of a real and practical lightsaber derived from plasma is not any type of physical laws (the laws of physics favor the plasma saber over a laser)but the generating of the magnetic fields. Its not that we cant generate the fields thats the problem, its that we dont have a generator or power source small enough to fit in a 30cm long, self-contained unit. Also, the cell needed to contain the compressed gas cannot yet be made small enough to fit in the hilt. The method described in the laser article of what is needed to make a functioning blade capable of blocking other forms of light energy, seems like it would be too complicated and to theoretic, to ever render it a possibility. ( I cant see technology ever advancing to the point within human exsistance, where it will be able to "bend the rules" needed to make the "laser" sword a practical application.

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