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Is the Heavy Overhand Attack broken?


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Yes, I'm new.


I've been playing for a week or so. It just gets so BORING seeing people using the SAME attack OVER AND OVER. One-hitting people from full health, usually from behind in a crowd.


So I opened the manual.


"This attack has a small chance of hitting."




So why does it hit EVERY time and kill EVERY time?


I don't know why they say it has a small chance of hitting. My experience is it hits 100% of the time and that's why lamers run around doing it 100% of the time!

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When it happens in the back in a heated fight, then there's essentially nothing you can do. However, 1 on 1, you can just back off and push them, or a number of other things.


yes, the DFA is a nasty attack, but with a little manuevering, you can slice em up. Practice makes perfect :)


- Twitch

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Actually I've worked on it a bit and backing off and throwing or running/jumping out of the way has helped a little (now I get accused of "running", LOL) but my question is, if the thing is supposed to have a "small chance" of hitting, why does it land every single time??

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Well if you see someone continually using it, then they'll have to start with just a normal swing. If you time it right you can be close enough just when they start their swing. While they are swinging and you are pretty close use pull. They'll fall down right at your feet. From here you can do whatever you please. I usually just use heavy while they are on the ground and turn away from them and use back and attack (1-2 hits kills).

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It has a "low chance of hitting" because the chance of hitting is based on the player's ability to move and aim as his target moves. Despite this it hits much of the time because it has a HUGE area of effect. It can do effective damage to more than 1 person at a time, sometimes even killing them both(hell you can take out 4+ people with this attack if you are skilled enough, and fast enough). Cheap? VERY! Effective? MOST EFFECTIVE! Avoidable? DAMN SKIPPY! to avoid it, just learn to roll back or sideways, or whenever you see someon e heading at you jump book it backwards. Its avoidable, and defeatable with medium and even light stances cause you can get multiple hits in during the downtime of the attack.


PS. ONCE THEY HIT THE GROUND DO NOT GO TOWARDS THEIR FRONT!!!!! Even when the saber is on the ground it does FULL damage as long as the animation is still going. Attack them from the side or preferably the back.


Soth :jedijawa:

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the reason it has a small chance of hitting is if you have ANY skill at all you will be able to dodge this attack 99.99% of the time, if you are getting hit by this attack more than one time per week I would suggest you go play saome bots for a while.


oh and what do you mean "people always useing it" ? unless you play with a bunch of newbs all the time most people dont use red stance at all, and those that do usually lose.

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People ARE always using the heavy attack in mp. Its cheap, impossible to block and hits players that appear to be nowhere near the attacker's saber. I agree it is counterable when you see the attacker coming but still a pain in neck.


You continually see half of the players in a saber ffa game sneaking up and taking out people who cant see them to defend it.


For the players that use it all the time: sure you will get a bunch of cheap kills out of it, but doesnt it get boring? The move is soooo slow.

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I agree with VaderVin about the complete boredom of the move. I've also seen some people who actually mix it with other attacks (even though they still use it too damn often), making it so much more interesting than trying to slice people with the same move over and over again. And yea, it's really not that hard to evade it. Go sideways and do a horizontal slash after they land. It'll make them think twice before doing it again. :D

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First of all, I would like to thank everyone for their insightful comments and not turning this thread into a flamefest.


There is some very good advice here which I will be practicing, and in the past few days I've learned to avoid being crushed by this attack from the front by basically constantly moving and throwing my sabre when they jump. I'm sure it annoys the hell out of them because now I get bitched at for "always running".


Right. Like I'm supposed to stand still and let you one-hit me. :)


Anyway, I do think the move is overpowered and hits much more than it should. I see people constantly getting two or three kills with just one swing and that's just wrong in a multi-player game.


I think if the move landed a LOT less it would be fairer to use, especially from behind.


And yes, I see people that do this move 100% of the time. I think they probably have Gamevoice or some other macro type device set up so all they have to do is hit a key and point their mouse. Its lame, it sucks and worst of all we get to hear their arrogant claims of how much skill they must have since they have the most kills.


Then I will just listen to them whine about me always running. :)


Thanks a lot, and take care.


And if you ever see a server runnning called NICE PEOPLE ONLY drop by for a chat...

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The latest move that I have seen used is to force pull someone, then kick, then downward slash while they are down. I was playing against a guy who would do this constantly. As soon as I would put absorb on, he would run away and stay away. If I took absorb off, or my force ran out, he would go back to the pull, kick slash.


There are people who do use the red stance with a lot of skill, and I applaud them for that. Unfortunately, the power of the red stance leads many to practicing a few moves that instantly kill players and sticking to only those in lieu of increasing sword fighting skill.

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It's probably been said over and over, but...


The damage radius of this attack is excessive. If I step on the lightsaber after it's in the ground, I can understand taking damage; but if you even GET NEAR them while it's stuck in the ground, you take full damage. FIX IT.


I've side-stepped this attack only to take full damage from it anyway--very unrealistic--or should I say, "unbelievable".


I shouldn't have to run or roll away from this attack in order to avoid it...it's painfully slow.


I surprised a little hs monkey last night-- He loved using this in a ffa game. I kept pushing him down as I saw him winding up for the DFA. He would back up, swing, and then I would push him down and run up on him in medium stance and swack him once. He ran away.



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I agree, the damage is just insane.


I dodged someone's attack, got to their side and horizontally cut their character in half but he STILL killed me because I came too close to his blade.




Now when I see people doing it all the time, I make them my "special sniping targets" and will just throw at the from out of range from behind. If they turn on me I just keep backing up and running away.


Let them waste their playtime chasing me instead of getting 3 or 4 more cheap kills...

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lol u guys are wrong.The manual is 100% corretct.The only problem..... is that it talks about the single player .Tell ya what.Download ladder map and try to do that move as we do it on the net.Results ? not working.NOW READ THE MANUAL.ITS FORWARD+ATACK + JUMPING FROM READY POSITIONS.

You dont jump 3 thousand meters and indeed it's hard to hit with it.on the net it's kinda unfair and about push :( i tryed it no matter what lv ur push is it will not push them back :@ the animation will just move him a little(very little) and then ZAP.It aint hard to aboid it after u learn... but on team ffa or ffa we are talking about lots of players fighting.And i killed 4 people with one swing once :D.(They were all fighting with medium and were together) and i just jumped and 4 frags :D.OH well i use medium from now on :p

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