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2 bladed saber


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Exar Kun pre-dates Maul by about 2000 years! His trapped spirit featured in the Jedi Academy trilogy. The double-bladed Light sabre is generally a Sith weapon, Jedi who try and build one are always watched closely by their peers - why would a jedi want to build a better weapon?


Wait for mods to let you have the double-bladed light sabre without cheats.

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According to the Episode I Visual Dictionary, Maul's Lightsaber was traditionally used "only" as a training device for Jedi, the double-ended saber can be much more dangerous to it's wielder than an enemy, it's also probably the reason why Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan weren't phased when Darth Maul attacked them with it.

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Actually, i was wondering about the Maul thing myself, then I watched it carefully.


The hilt on Maul's saber is absolutely HUGE. It's actually wider (when put horizontal) then his body is. So when her falls, the hilt hits him and not the blade.


I was curious, what books/comics show Exar with the double bladed saber? and the whole training thing. I've read most of the EU novels, at least for after Galactic Civil War, just curious about what was good for pre-galactic civil war.



BTW, are you sure Exar was using a double light saber, and not a dual-variance lightsaber? I know in the books he teaches someone how to make a multi-variance (3 variations) lightsaber.

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Exar is definately cool and all... and he might own Darth Maul...


But Vader, Yoda and possibly Windu... would rape exar a new asshole%. BIG TIME!!!


Vader was among the strongest.. I'am pretty sure he would kill maul in about 1-2 minutes, therefore exar wouldn't be a problem. Remember highest bloodcount for force compound.


Yoda... oh god... *runs away for a while then returns* I'm not even going to talk about what he would do.


Windu, is the second best on the council. He would own exar, as for the rest of the Jedi... it would be tough to say but exar would probablly defeat the better portion of them.


Almost forgot... Sidious... lol OWNAGE.

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I've used the cheat in "local" MP and SP modes. It looks great, unfortunately, it is used like a regular saber. There are no unique moves that come with the cheat, just the cool saber skin, which makes having it, a bit lame. I'm sure there is a way to either enable it or mod a saber to be double sided, but the usage problem remains.


I was considering e-mailing Raven to find out if any of the programmers would be willing to write a bit of code to enable the double saber option as well as some unique moves linked to that saber. I just haven't had the time yet.

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Originally posted by Smood

Exar is definately cool and all... and he might own Darth Maul...


But Vader, Yoda and possibly Windu... would rape exar a new asshole%. BIG TIME!!!


Vader was among the strongest.. I'am pretty sure he would kill maul in about 1-2 minutes, therefore exar wouldn't be a problem. Remember highest bloodcount for force compound.


Yoda... oh god... *runs away for a while then returns* I'm not even going to talk about what he would do.


Windu, is the second best on the council. He would own exar, as for the rest of the Jedi... it would be tough to say but exar would probablly defeat the better portion of them.


Almost forgot... Sidious... lol OWNAGE.


Lol highest bloodcount for the force compound? Midiclorians (sp?) don't mean

$h!t :)


Erm slight SW story spoiler here:


Obi-Wan pwned Darth Vader BEFORE he got fused with all that metal stuff (which made him less strong with the force although tougher) and sent him flying into a volcano, which is how he got injured and needed to have most of his body replaced with cybernetic components.

After this, Luke pretty much handed Darth Vader his ass back to him after a very small amount of a fight, therefore I would conclude that Luke Skywalker was at least nearly the equal of Anakin, his father.



Erm, book spoiler here:


And think about it, Exar Kun PWNED Luke, nearly killed him (and this was Exar's GHOST!) and he was only saved by the rest of his initiates who succeeded in destroying Exar's ghost.



As for the rest of them, the Jedi are a dying race, and the OLD Jedi masters, such as Exar Kun, his master (who he bested in combat), and all the rest who I would name if I could, would own any of the jedi shown in Ep1 and all the rest of them. Remember Ep1 was based around 2000 years after all the stuff with Exar Kun and the likes.

Erm small book spoiler here:


Exar Kun was responsible for thousands, maybe millions of deaths. The old jedi council had to send a good portion of its jedi to take care of Exar, as well as an entire fleet if I remember correctly...



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i haven't read any of the novels so tell me: who was exar kur and what novels do i have to read in order to learn more about him?


ps: *T¥RANITH*, it really would've been nice if you would've used spoiler tags for your post there, this was a bigtime spoiler (if it's canon at all)

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Ahh crud, sorry Cup ;(

Spoiler tags will be going on that right now.

Apologies, I never thought that that would be a spoiler because

a)I would have put tags on that if it were game spoiler, didn't think book spoilers would have counted

b)I have never actually read the book, what I know is taken from what other people have said or written


Again, sorry m8, and I hope this hasn't affected you wanting to read the book or the fun u will have reading it.


Erm the novel series i *think* is called Mysteries of the Sith or something like that (maybe I'm just thinking of the game, but it is something like that)

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i wasn't annoyed at all by at all. in fact, i like spoilers (as hard as that is to believe). i'm one of those guys who can't wait to see the movie and want to know all about it before the move is out at all, so your spoiler was a welcome information to me :)


and just btw: from what i heard the spoiler tag thing applies for the game, and double for film spoilers (dunno if EU novel spoilers are included in this as well)


ps: thanks for the name of the series, i'm gonna search for it in my nearest book store right away :)

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