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would a darkjedi use mind trick?


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im making an sp level for JO using a darkjedi and im kinda uncertain about whether a dark force user would use mindtrick


i spose at level 3 when it makes people shoot their friends its pretty darksideish but im unsure..


what does everyone else think?


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Originally posted by Ten Tigers

Dude, any self respecting Sith would be all over that.


Remember, it is not the power that is good or bad, but how it is used.


Remember Luke in ROTJ using daddy's grip technique on the Grammorian gaurds in Jabba's Palace?

Exactly. This is why I wish force power selection was more like it was in Mysteries of the Sith.

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Dark/Light powers made JK1 MP. Mots ruined the jedi altogethor for MP. Sure it had its bonuses, but everybody had everyting there was no real power struggle. I much prefer going against a light jedi.. good vs evil knowing he has different powers, and so do I..

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I disagree with Sartis on that one there. The force is nutral really. It is the people who use it which give it dark and light tints. It may just be I have extra skill in seeing who is dark or light, but it doesn't take a genious to figure our a person using Blinding (a "light power" from JK1) on a civilian would be using it for darker purposes and therefore a dark jedi. Or that someone using grip or lightning onto a bad guy who was about to kill an innocent is a light jedi.


I could be wrong but it seems you liking to fight people using only "light" (aka: defensive and not offensive) powers could indicate you just don't like being griped or have stuff thrown at you. Thats how it came across to me at least. Like I said I could be wrong.


It is like anything... are chopsticks the eating utensils of the dark side? You can use them to shove up someones nose and peirce their brain with them which would obviously be rather evil... Does this mean Chopsticks are dark? The principle applies to both force powers and any cuttlery really.

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I forgot to say this...


No one had every power. You only had certain amounts of force points to spend and the more powerful groups of forces only let you choose two from them. I think the last one may have been limited to 1. (Im refering to how there was four colums of force powers - 4 forces in each colum. So if you wanted "X" skill and "Y" skill you had to forfeit "Z" and "W" skills. Rather customised really. And a nice way to make the opponants mroe unique then the Light/Dark powers as you had only 8 to choose from with the same number of force points you use them on. It could be 10 I forgot which amount.


PLUS there was a way to use both lower-level Light and Dark powers anyway.


Also another thing about force powers... Force Jump into the air and use Force Pull on people - not very light jedi like is it? You can do it on civilians too if you wanted to. Surely Pull and Jump are the ways of the dark side of the force! :p

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Guest Shadowen

*taps his lip thoughtfully*


Well, when you're in direct combat, at least, the Sith wouldn't want Mind Trick. They'd like something more like Presence from Vampire: The Masquerade--someone that's just so damn intimidating and/or cool-looking you have to agree with them.

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I thought Luke used a mind trick on the Gammoreans. It looked like he was gesturing them back to their posts, although one of the Gammoreans seems to hold his throat.


Then again, in the Jedi Academy Trilogy, Kyp uses the Force to rip the memories of the Sun Crusher from the scientists mind.


That's no more a spoiler today than "Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father!"


In Phantom Menace, Yoda says "Hard to see, the Dark Side is" but I think mind tricks are the domain of the light side.



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Little tough for Luke to concentrate and Mind Trick Darth while he was being fried by Lighting 3..........


I think mind trick is only for light side users. Sith command through fear and power, not subtle manipulation..........that would be seen as weak to them in my opinion.


Why would a Sith choose to mind trick someone and not just choke them to death or fry them? The reason light side Jedi use mind trick is to avoid conflict.......

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Originally posted by obijonkenobi

You know what would make people scream (well those die hard fanatical fans at least)...


Darth Vader only turned on the Emperor because luke used a mind trick. That is the only reason.


Go and spread that in Starwars forums mwuhahahahaha!

lol that's an interesting theory:D

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I think mind trick is only for light side users. Sith command through fear and power, not subtle manipulation..........that would be seen as weak to them in my opinion.


Hey great point, that must be why Darth Sidious is using Raw power to defeat the Jedi!!! Oh...wait

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Well it depends on how you use it. If you use it like Obi-Wan did to try and get past a few stormtroopers or to cause a distraction to get away it's all fine.

But if you for example use the mindtrick to make a person turn against people on his own side or to make him shoot himself or jump of a cliff you're practically driving yourself to the dark side.

Same goes with push/pull/grip, it's all basically one power, moving or manipulating something with the Force, but depending on how you use it will bring you to the dark side or keep you on the light side. (for example pushing a stormtrooper on his arse to gain a few seconds to help you escape won't make you a dark sider, but pushing that same trooper over a cliff would probably get you a good bit closer to the dark side)

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