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Boredom and Motivation


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Let me start out with saying that this post is not written with the hope of changing anything; simply speaking my mind from my point of view.


Edit: forgot to include that this concerns duel servers, which are the only I play.




This is usually the result of fighting against a player using the red stance...in fact, in my experience, exclusively so. Met several red stance users that will use the same single move over and over again.


Goes as this: Jump forward w/ overhead slash (the one that does 125+ points of damage...yall know it, I'm sure), turn your blade towards your opponent when the sword is in the ground in the hope he will walk into it, where the slash strangely enough still have full damage capacity despite being almost still and then do a backwards flip. Then they'll repeat.


Been testing some of these players and they will continue to repeat this same move again and again 30 times+ without doing any other kind of moves.


To me this is extremely boring to fight against and I cannot fathom how they can find it fun at all. There's no real sword fighting in it. They do that one attack and then use all their evasive skill to avoid you as much as possible until they can get in position for another attempt.


All I see is a (scared?) player wanting to win every fight with one swift stroke and the gods forbid should s/he get involved in some real dancing of the sabers.


It's not that i can't beat them when they do this, but many times I do lose simply because I lose my patience chasing them around and make a foolish mistake.


And this is where practically all of them misunderstand me when I say they're being boring; they automatically interpret my complaint as me being whiny about losing to them or that I'm saying the red stance isn't effective. Neither is true. Kill me all you want, just don't bore me :p


All this is somewhat linked to the next point




In my limited experience there are 2 kinds of JK2 players; the ones, who wants to win at any cost and the ones, who wants to have fun.


Strangely enough, the ones who wants only to win are often boring red stance users. But besides that these types of players are often dishonourable and fundisrupting and they'll use anything to win...attack people bowing politely and people they know are typing or afk a few secs.


Of course they ought to only be able to attack bowing players once every gaming session as the other players will learn not to take their eyes off of them, but that you can't be allowed to type in a small msg or answer the phone/door without them sabering you down is sad.


In addition I've got 2 small stories that has happened to me playing JK2. You all decide which one you'd rather be part of.


First story:

Played on a no force/saber only server with room for 4. I prefer no force; only way to get some real saber dancing going ;) Anyway, the 3 guys already playing soon seemed to be a real fun bunch and I ended up having the most fun I've had in a long time playing a computer game.


They all were crazy gits, who cared very little about their scores. They just did and said weird stuff that cracked me up and I was swept away on a funride not looking at scores at all for once. Fortunately they were quite capable players too, so I had both fun and challenging play....sweet :D


Second story:

This was in the morning and I was alone on the server at first but only for a few secs before another player logged in. I'll call him X for easy reference. We started out fighting ok and I won 1st fight to which X went 'wtf'. Ok, I win 2nd fight and then he really starts to get upset.


He says that 2 of his strokes definately hit me but did no harm. I'm a little surprised that he's surprised at this, cuz I've experienced hundreds of times where my saber swings straight through my opponent with the point of it on the far side of him/her without it doing any harm. Sure all of you have too; something to do with the programming.


He accuses me of cheating and demands to know which hack I'm using. I tell him that I don't really know what to tell him but that I'm not cheating. He'll hear nothing of it.


At this point a new player (will call him Y) logs on and X immediately tells him that I'm cheating; this is at the start of a new match between X and myself, one which he actually wins. Y says he can't tell that I should be cheating and X of course says that I turned my cheating program off when Y entered the server cuz Y is a witness.


X and Y then fights and Y loses. I win my match against X and he proceeds to logging off.


That's when I got real annoyed, cuz what if he went straight to a JK2 forum and started spreading all kinds of slander and lies about me? I know I could change my game handle so that might not really matter, but it so happens that my game handle is the handle I use in many forums, so what consequences might occur from such slander would not be so easily avoided.


That's the kind of power that can be abused on the net. Misunderstandings can occur and illtempered people with low tolerance are free to make you look bad by their own designs. And even if you can keep track of their postings it's a tough job countering such attacks as people most often don't know each other and are inclined to believe the first thing they hear about another.


Well, enough of my ranting but will just put the main points in short here:


To me, it's how you play that matters more than winning.

If you don't win honourably, you don't win.

I play to entertain and to be entertained.

I'd rather win friends than win numbers.


Thanks for reading and hope yall have fun out there :cool:



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well, i only use the red stance, because its the only one where the moves are somewhat similar everytime, and it involves more skill with the timeing and whatnot... it also doesnt make me spin wildly all the time, which IMHO is pure sillyness, you never see jedi spin all the time... but anyway, i dont spam the overhead slash, i only use it if the person im fithing it spamming heal, or spamming throwing, or pretty much anything like that... the overhead slash is a bad move to use agains any good players because it leave you open for a long time, and they can kill you quickly while your dinking around sniffing the ground... :D every stance has its place...

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but many times I do lose simply because I lose my patience chasing them around and make a foolish mistake.

Oh man, I know exactly how you feel... I have no problem with this on force servers, then its easy, but on NF servers this gets REALLY hard to counter (have to run to the side, and do a side slash PRAYING that their saber end doesnt knick your heel.

Mind you I suck against red players.

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Boring is right.


My opinion on this matter is that the move is a slow one--- with that in mind, it is easier to avoid than any other move. A simple roll or a backflip will evade it most times. True, a simple error will kill you- but in my experience, evading the heavy slash hasn't been to difficult.


I agree with you though. There's no strategy in the heavy slash. It should be used if you think there's a good opportunity to win, not always though--- that makes it simplistic and childish.


Its always fun to destroy a heavy slasher though- and if you can do that well, you'll get more out of life :)




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I think that is precisely the mans point. Evading it is incredibly easy. And there is no chance in hell you could actually get hit by it if all you want to do is evade it. But you get bored, decide to stay in a little bit closer. Then, even though his saber is no where near you you die. Or even worse. You stay just out of reach run up to him to slice him up.You stub your toe on his saber. Dead. It is lame yes. But for now i guess its just somethin we have to deal with.

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Well, since you're more interested in having fun, I'll suggest this:


When they use the Strong Finisher, block it with your saber - it can be done, but its somewhat difficult.


Personally, I don't have any problem with people who spam moves and get lots of kills - but the players that I always remember are the ones that can not only kill, but kill with style, i.e. the guy who finishes you off with a Fast Backstab or the Medium Finisher/

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I agree completly i just left the server i've been religiously going too because all these people joined that use the red jump move and i got sick of avoiding and getting nicked in the heel. So if you ever want to fight NF Dual check me out on Rocky Mountain server its SoulRavens usually a great one (except for tonite) my nicks the same minus the 420.


PS. not using Red does NOT repeat NOT make one a N00b. just makes life more fun





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boredome also happens to me... but I will highlight my best night at this game for once rather than blurt out the glaring flaws for once...


I was on a FFA saber only jedi master server.


We had only four people playing so I suggested we play a kind of duel version FFA. with a ladder of sorts... everyone thought it was a kool switch from the usual, but not so constricting as a duel server.


So we went about setting up fights. the fights where cool, dramatic, and well played. nobody spammed anything, if anything they simply relied on one kind of thing or another more than others, but nothing was over used. for example one guy used absorb a lot (LOL why doesn't anyone compain about absorb spamming I wonder? I see that almost as much as anything else some nights. i would never complain about that myself, but it's still just interesting that it's so kind of hypocritical).


We ended up doing 2 on one fights with the better players, once we even had a 3 on one masacre. Me and the other guy as the singles won... it was very cool...


All the while as new people came in, the other guys stayed and watched over us, guarding doors, and making sure people knew what we where doing, and that if they wanted to fight us, it was ok, but to either wait thier turn, or not fight any of the guys fighting in the middle.


One guy joined up, and walked up to the fight, aparently to watch, and wait his turn...


Then without warning a the other good guy I was dueling with who REALy uses force powers, and almost never uses push for some odd reason, suddenly pushes me...


i go hurtling backwards, and land on my back seeing the shape of some guy in a DFA pose landing where I was seconds before... The guy I was fighting Gripped the guy who tried the cheap shot on me, and I drained him with careful aim so as not to drain the guy doing the gripping, and gripped him when the other guy was done... then finished him off with a light tap from the blue style... Kind of funny...


so why is this my best night?


I didn't do anything amasing obviously. Instead I had a lot of great fights, I never once felt ripped off... and instead of seeing the worst from the players, I saw one of the best things I had seen in a while. some guy actually pushed me OUT of the way of an attack... sure maybe I am reading into this actoin too much... sure maybe it is just a game... but he could have just as easily attacked the other guy, or let the other guy kill me, I was almost dead to begin with since the other guy was at least as good as me (or am I bad and we both sucked equaly?). I would have handed him the point anyway if I was killed like that. But instead the guy saved my skin and let me earn the kill... the guys watching all stated chatting in that we should call the fight a draw, and leave it at that. Especialy since the guy came back right away, and started ruining the whole thing, so we eventualy just all ganged up on him, and killed one another and him mercilessly till I had to go to bed.


Imagine having 8 guys in FFA all gunning for you only... Imagine how he whined that it wasn't fair... ahh yes...


too bad I went to that server on a whim not noting the name or IP of it... I may never find it again either :(


Oh well such is life eh?



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well, i only use the red stance, because its the only one where the moves are somewhat similar everytime, and it involves more skill with the timeing and whatnot... it also doesnt make me spin wildly all the time, which IMHO is pure sillyness, you never see jedi spin all the time...


That's not how all of us Medium level players fight, and if you can't reproduce similar moves every time with med/light stances you haven't been pracicing enough :) the best people I've played so far in my NF Dueling have been Med stancers

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I only use yellow stance at all times, and to those who think it's about whirling about chaotically hoping for the best, you're so wrong. I never initiate any attack without a purpose and plan, and the only abundant swings come from me turning to face my opponent if he takes evasive action.


To state that yellow stance (and blue for that matter) is for newbies, as I've have read various places and heard ingame, is admitting you know nothing about the grace and mastering of fluent movements you can apply to this style to build it up to be very lethal while having a good overview over the battlefield at virtually all times.


The beauty of the yellow stance is the need for proximity to your opponent to make it effective. More so, the yellow stance, if done correctly by two players using it, make up an awesome lethal whirl of glowing death with furious speed and purpose. Can be a truly awesome spectacle :eek:


The most boringly fights I have ever witnessed are two red stancers duking it out by jumping forth and back, forth and back, forth and back, forth and back, forth and back, forth....some will just run a forward slooooow slash and then run back instead of the jumping but the picture is the same....YAWN!


I have actually converted a red stancer to yellow and he has had fun ever since ;)


I know I can't change the nature of others but I will say this anyway:


Let go of your fear and enter the fray!


But hey, maybe it's not fear but laziness holding you back from applying yourself to learning the art of gracious combat and let slip the dogs of war in honourable, funloving contest among peers.


...Hereby not said I'm a master nor saint myself...far from it :rolleyes:


To those, who might think I'm a whiner:

If you only knew the power of the fun side!


To those, whom I might have offended:

Oh no! It's a rancor!


To those, who might still agree with me:

The Force is strong with you, young JK2 duelist....But you are not a jedi yet!


Have fun yall :cool:



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