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Blue/Light Saber Style - Usefulness!/?


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I was curious if anyone could give advice/ideas useing light/blue saber combat style.


I'm aware that the red style is 'superior'


I've also heard alot of people claiming that blue/light is still a very viable form of attacking. I am just curious as to if anyone would be able to give me some examples and ideas on how to use light/blue more effectively.


Thank you.

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Red is the most powerful but far from "superior". It's easy to take advantage if it's slow speed.


As for the blue, I dont know that I can help you a whole lot. The fact is that blue isnt really that much fater that yellow and much less powerful. The one good move blue has is the crouching upward slash, but it is easy to tell when someone is trying to use it. The backward stab can be a nice move but IMO it's too hard to get it to work in MP. I think blue is best for weapons servers since it can block blaster fire better and can make quick work of someone who gets too close without opening their saber. Once another guy has his saber out, blue is almsot useless.


My preference is to use the yellow stance since it is the most versitile.

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I switch to blue when I want 'Style-Points'; yellow when I want 'damage-points'. Red when I want to get things over with quickly.


I've tussled with some pretty amazing Blue duelists. Some of the 'prettiest' fighting I've been a part of.....speed CAN kill!;)

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Blue is 95% useless as I say in this post:




Read it if you haven't already.


Only the rush attack is a viable move against a good duellist, and only then on a No-Force duel server. Blue style in a Full-Force duel will only serve to send your opponent into peals of laughter.


I'll reiterate that I have an open challenge to anyone who thinks they can beat me with the blue style. (or medium, for that matter)

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Ok I'm confused here as far as i know it BLUE is Medium and YELLOW is Light.


ArtifeX I think Blue has a place in Duelling. I know Red is powerful but it isn't the only stance to use. I agree with many of the other people that say the best way is to change stance with the circumstances.


p.s. We never finshed our challenge and I have been practicing?????????

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Originally posted by Lord Slart

Ok I'm confused here as far as i know it BLUE is Medium and YELLOW is Light.


ArtifeX I think Blue has a place in Duelling. I know Red is powerful but it isn't the only stance to use. I agree with many of the other people that say the best way is to change stance with the circumstances.


p.s. We never finshed our challenge and I have been practicing?????????


Blue=Light stance

Yellow=Medium stance


Of the medium stance, only the back sweep and the flip-finishing move are really of any use--and then only in No-force servers. I'm still waiting for someone to prove me wrong.


If you're wanting to find me while i'm playing, then go get qtracker (http://www.qtracker.com) and use the player search feature. It'll tell you if I'm online or not and which server I'm in.

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Guest HertogJan

Yeah, light stance has never ben of good use to me...




I saw a guy one, I belive his name was POX or something like that. He could do the light stance special (forward linge) from the air, so you'd never see it coming. It takes good timing, but when you get good in it, it's a good move.


1) Select blue stance

2) Jump to your opponent

3) When landing; tap crouch and press forward+attack


You will learn how to do it soon enough ;)


After doing this trick, I switch back to medium or heavy stance...


The point of this move is that you can't see it coming!

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You never want to be in a defensive stance with the light stance. You gotta be on your feet and fast, rolling, jumping, etc.


On the contrary, if you are going to be in a defensive stance, use fast. Saber blocking has a lot to do with how your saber is positioned, and fast stance offers the best protection. Fast moves also have quicker recovery time in general, so all around using Fast offers the best defense.


Fast is still very deadly, but the only problem is that it becomes quite useless against opponents who use Drain/Heal - then you have to use Medium or Heavy to bring them down quickly.


Kudos to whoever can use the backstab well - I've only killed someone with it once, but believe me, it looked infinitely cooler than someone who does a Strong Horizontal Sweep.

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I use mainly blue and yellow as I suck with red, but blue is VERY useful. Blue is just about the easiest stance with which to beat red stancers. You see, while they are in the process of swinging you can get 2 hits in, then twirl off to the side for an additional hit doing 60-80 dammage.


Mind you one red hit does 100 dammage... but we all know that red is WAY too strong.

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use blue for lunge and spin jump attack thingy (attack+jump+forward - jumps and flips 360 degrees with saber sticking out). both attacks, if executed quickly and at the right time, can catch your opponent off guard. other use is backstab, although i prefer the pivot and swing of the heavier styles.

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