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laying down cheaters ...


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I find it humorous that those who know how to do this say that this is not a hack, cheat, or a bug, but just a combination of moves.


However, those who have asked how it is done have not gotten any response. And in fact, one person who knows how to do this "not cheat" said they removed the how explanation because they didn't want to come across a server with other people doing it.

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Pubs aren't the concern here. The problem occurs when it's being used in competition. Will the community support it or frown upon it? If we dissaprove of this, teams will lose respect for using it competatively, and hopefully that is enough to make them stop using it. If the community supports this though... the script will be exploited and let the games begin.

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every one wants to do it, i dont see the harm here u go




i found it hard at first, but it gets easier

and u can do it while moving to slide around which is fun

it also seems easier when running, even though thats prob just me :)


edit:took it out again :( dont wanna make ppl upset

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Admittedly, I have not seen this technique (cheat, script, etc.) used before, so I'm not sure exactly how much of an advantage you get. Please take the following with a grain of salt, that being said.


Isn't it totally conceivable that laying down and playing dead is a legitamite (though not completely honorable) maneuver?


It's one thing if the technique offers a logitical advantage, such as allowing the person to attack while significantly reducing the area upon which they can be struck. But that doesn't seem to be the case here. The fact of the matter is that if an individual is laying down in a pile of corpses, ready to pounce on an unsuspecting victim, then I wouldn't call that a cheat, just underhanded and devilishly clever.


There is something to be said for the fact that only a select number of people know how to make this maneuver available. But perhaps instead of outlawing the technique, it would be more advantageous to make it available to all.


What are your thoughts on this pov?

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Originally posted by Usurper

If somone notices that a body hasnt sunken into the ground after a minute and do not smell something funny, something is really really wrong with them.


This trick could not fool anyone with half a cup of common sense.


hate to say it but this isn't true, and I'm no n00b either. On a saber only server where you can throw people off this become very effective.


I don't understand your point either. Do you stand there watching EVERY single body and then timing them to see if they've sunken in the ground? no obviously not ...


If you've run around a corner and you see a body there, who knows if its someone thats just died, you can't tell if they're cheating or just a corpse. The disadvantage is then they will grip you unawares, start sliding away or force push you when you're not ready.


To tell me I should know or be ready or am stupid for not knowing they're cheating is stupid in itself. I'm sure you have this cheat and use it yourself either for fun or to win ......

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This isn't so much of a cheat people.


If you don't have the healthindicator crosshair enabled its fairly easy to pick up on this feign death move. If they're alive, they're still red on your crosshair, if they aren't, then NP.


As for CTF, its part of it. CTF is meant to be sneaky/tricky. It just makes it so you as the player have to be more cautious. And if you want to become skilled your going to eventually have to learn to be this.


The hands I can see as a possible "cheat", but this feign death isn't.

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The easiest way to tell if its a person or corpse is this, listen up:




If it is a person, their name will pop up.

If it is a corpse, no name will pop up.


If a name shows up, walk up, crouch and kill the bugger.


Simple as that :)


I've seen someone using this too, but it really isn't that effective. He would run into a crowd though and lay down. Doesn't make a ton of sense to me really, hehe.

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Originally posted by D'akt Sangwar

every one wants to do it, i dont see the harm here u go




edit:took it out again :( dont wanna make ppl upset


ARRGGG!!! Smacks D'akt Sangwar around a few times!


I wish I knew what the command was because I play with a friend of mine sometimes and it would be SO funny to pull this trick on him once! hehehehe Of course it would be lame to see people using it on the public servers but if somebody did use it I don't think they could do so more than once before people caught on and took special care around corpses.

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Originally posted by D'akt Sangwar

i really wanna post it

i dont use the crazy colour changing way

but ppl will start going "thanks D'akt u fanny, all the chunks will be using it now"


Mind Private Messaging it to me? :) I definitely have someone in mind that I want to use this on.



Also, this lay down thing really isnt THAT bad. I saw a guy using it today in a FFA server and there are ALOT of ways you can detect someone who's doing it:


1) You cant run past the corpse. You have to run AROUND it. If you try to run over it your character will stop as if he's running into a wall.


2) You can still see their name under your crosshair (as someone already mentioned). ALL you have to do is briefly move your crosshair over any suspicious corpse. If it turns red and you see a name, then its someone faking.


3) The "dead" character's position is always the same. Although this game has alot of death animations, there is only one that you need to be suspicious of. The "fake death" basically has the character on the ground in a spread eagle position. Just take extra care whenever you see someone like this.


4) Use common sense. If you see some player in a stormtrooper skin using this alot, then be wary of any stormtrooper corpses on the ground. Most people dont bother switching their skins alot during the game.


5) Force Seeing works as well (as someone mentioned). What does a lvl 1 force see cost? 1 or 2 pts?


There are probably even more ways to deal with it. Those are just off the top of my head.


Also, have any of you ever played Team Fortress? There was a character who could fake his death in there. Did that ruin the game?




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Originally posted by Bronzefist



Also, have any of you ever played Team Fortress? There was a character who could fake his death in there. Did that ruin the game?





no, because its part of the game. If this is part of the game then someone post the code for the world to see. And yes I allready have it so its not for me, and I wouldn't use it either because its annoying.


i dont deny its not funny seeing someone doing it or break dancing etc. and I'm not saying its impossible to detect, but i feel its in the same category as using the arms-skin bug.

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Originally posted by OPP


If this is part of the game then someone post the code for the world to see. And yes I allready have it so its not for me, and I wouldn't use it either because its annoying.


Way to contradict yourself there smart guy!


Btw, it's not a "CODE," but rather a method.



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