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Which Historic Military...

Guest Admiral Odin

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If you go to the front you lose site of the entire picture. It might well rally you men there, but at the risk of a counter attack in another area of the front...you...are usless. Let you Colonels and Brig. Generals take care of that for you, that is what they are paid to do.:o

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Originally posted by Darth_Rommel

Napoleon was in there... I didn't notice :o


:D They had one or two British in there too, but you are right they do need more variaty.

Who the heck are some of those generals??? Wesley WHO???

I'm a pretty good history buff (besides SW) and I don't know who 1 or 2 of them are.

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Guest xwing guy

Yeah I'm good at history to SW and real world and there were still names I didn't recognize either. I was trying to retake the quiz till I got my favorite general, General Lee but Patton suits me fine.

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Originally posted by Admiral Odin

After you know the way the quiz works it is easy to get what ever general you want.


Yes, but I go by my concience. Not who would be cool to be. I am Sherman...he may not be all that powerful, but apparently we would chose the same tactics...maybe.

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Guest Admiral Odin

It means that in an ideal battle (where limitations weren't placed on you) your tactics are similar to Omar Bradley.

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