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Jedi Academy Mod please contact me


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Oh well, in case anyone from Jedi Academy mod comes here, this is the graphic. I think it looks quite nice. I aquired the top part of the temple, jedi figures and the sun from another pic but redrew by hand the completed temple, the clouds and the finished nebula. Opinions anyone?




P.S obvioulsy if the mod team decicide to use it I have a version without the "copyright jimlad". Please don't steal my work oh forum users, not unless you include my name on the piece - it took quite a while to do. Thanks :)

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This is the picture I used. As you can see Han Solo and Princess Leia covered up a lot of the temple and Luke the sky. So a lot had to be done to implement this into the graphic. The Star Destroyer was also removed. Here is an updated version of the graphic to try and remove some of the "symmetry"



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Well, our banner we dont need yet. Once we open we will give requirenments. First trying to get trainer forums open so you can sumbit if you wanna be a trainer.

But we need blue and white (fits with the site).

And by the way, its not a MOD, I'm just doing this to help the community. BTW, I would really wanna train one person for now. So if anyone here wants to train just for one session, let me know. As a sorta preview. Would be nice if it is a newbie, thinking I can teach newbs, but I can train players.



BTW. Things are comming along quite well, very nice banner, just needs to be blue and white, no red or yellow etc. (baby blue)

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