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server administration


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hey all :D


a friend of mine ([NESW]Tigger) has been running a server from the start, we follow a simple code of honour that makes the game enjoyable and fun


however, were getting a few tits ruining the fun, and he can't be around all the time so we need to alot admins :D does anyone know of a tool to do this? or how to assign admins with rcon?


also any help regarding making the server, force jump, and full saber powers only would be much appreciated, ta lads




(P.S me first post :D)


(P.P.S the liedown bug. how do ya do it, itll give everyone a great laugh :))

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This game is less than a month old. It doesn't have all the convenient MODs that CounterStrike has (like the AdminMOD, which you are describing) yet. Either your buddy gives out the rcon password to admins he trusts, or everyone just has to deal with it. You could also just flat out ban the 'tits' from the server.

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