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Just some stuff...


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I was hoping, maybe, that when IJ.net comes back to life, that maybe the site could focus on all aspects of indy; the movies, the older games, Infernal Machine, as well as the upcoming title. Personally, I think that making the site too geared towards only one game would weaken it as a whole.


I don't want to come down too harshly on the people who are going to be in charge of the site, but it was sort of a shame to see the site completely dead for years, while at the same time having some sections incomplete or broken.


I also think it would be great if you guys could find a huge indy fan to be the webmaster and really maintain the site in both news-filled times and periods of lag. The knowledge that someone was looking out for the site full-time would probably be a great bolster for the community as a whole. Again, I don't want to sound hypercritical, but I think the overall philosophy of the site should be rethought to keep up with the Indy fan community.

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I agree that the site should focus on all the areas of the indy franchise. There are many fans of every aspect. Hopefully it should be an exciting time for the community as there is quite a lot going on at the moment with the new game in the works, the development of Indy IV and the impending DVD release of the original trillogy.

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