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The Cairn - Docking Platform


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Shut down what reactor?

The stealth level has a bunch of them that electrify some water, but that's all they do. You've got to shut off the power to those generators, and then get past them quick before the power comes back on.


Then you keep moving on from there. You still have to get past a couple of electrified floors, and the room where you have to shut the lights off.....all stealth.

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This is for when Kataarn says "I should use stealth":


Go down the elevator. You will emerge in a clearing with a bunch of crates in front of you. A stormtrooper will be talking to his commander on his radio about searching for someone. Head right and stay out of sight. There will be a small tunnel a few meters away that you can crawl into.


Keep going through the tunnel. There will be 3 exits along the way. Take the one that does not lead into a room because at higher difficulties you may need to kill a few people fast in order to prevent them from setting off an alarm.


Look around for an elevator. Take the elevator to the top. There should be some electrical pillars in front of you. Instead of going towards them, circle to your left. There will be an opening you can crawl through (you may have to make a small jump to get there).


Stay crouched as you crawl through the small opening. There is a switch you can hit to deactivate the electrical pillars. Hit it and go out the opening you used to get to the switch. Drop to the ground and use force speed. Get to the elevator (same one you used before). Go up the elevator and (using force speed), navigate your way between the electrical pillars (which are now TEMPORARILY shut down). You will emerge on the other side of them.


There should be 3 imperial officers facing away from you. Kill them. Go foward through a series of turns until you reach a corridor with a door on your left far side. Now for a tricky part. Beyond the door is a group of enemies. There is an imperial officer who is protected in a glass enclosure with an alarm switch, which you cannot reach. Instead of going through the door which leads to the room, you need to find an opening just to the left and above the door. Use force jump.


Crawl through the opening and stay low. There is a switch which will turn off the lights for a short period of time. Turn off the lights and quickly head through the door opposite of where the switch is on the ground floor.


There will be 2 imperials and often a reborn on the other side. Dispatch them.


Keep going forward.....

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Originally posted by GreyJedi


Crawl through the opening and stay low. There is a switch which will turn off the lights for a short period of time. Turn off the lights and quickly head through the door opposite of where the switch is on the ground floor.


There will be 2 imperials and often a reborn on the other side. Dispatch them.


Keep going forward.....


Ok, I have turned off the lights, but keep gettiing captured after I jump down to the lower level. I can't seem to make it to the other door without someone setting off the alarm.

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Can you mind trick the guy in the booth? I've not gotten it to work ...


My first time through, I did the lights off / mind trick the 3 guys on the left / speed / jump combo. My 2nd time I crouch-walked off the ledge after turning the lights off and did nothing else.



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