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Are you Elite, Post your name here.


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If you think your great at duel with force powers please post your name here. I find it difficult to find people who are good and it gets boring doing the same tactics on noobs. I want to play some people that will make me better or maybe even embarass me a little : ). So if the elite would post there names in this thread we (other players and myself) can Search for you when we play.


Also I will do weapons also, just dont spam them at me when I am fighting someone else (man is that irratating) *checks blood pressure*




Update: Also Just because your at the top of the server list doesnt mean your good either. just means you might know how to spam weapons well. Not knocking anyone here, but I have played some people here that were at the top of the list but lacked skills when i got them alone.you lamers know who you are ; )


after i play some more people i will put together a list of those who are worthy : )

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Look me up. I've been playing a while and consider myself pretty decent. I generally rank within the top 1/3rd of the scoreboard... but there are times where I will rank lower if I'm on a clan server or something to that effect.


My favorite game style is CTF, so expect to see me on CTF servers all the time.

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yes i added you to my list ; )


I have only found krazx so far, but my config was messed up and I had to play in light stance. I do have to say he is good, but I don't know how good since after I got my config fixed and went back to the server he was gone. Were are the rest of you ; )

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if top third of the score board counts then I am definetly good, hell I am often in the top 3 :D, well at FFA anyhow, still not great at duels. my nick is {KA} Kyth'emos [P] or Darth Emos depending on wether I am playin dark or light but usually the first one.

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Originally posted by leelink

I have only found krazx so far, [...] I do have to say he is good [...]


Considering that I was training a friend that day and wasn't really concentrating on playing, I take that as a great compliment. :)

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I'm not so bad, normally go by the name of Jeccy The Bitch Slapper.


Only thing is that I've noticed that I'm starting to lean towards the Grip to the hole, trying to learn how to work around that (been praccying with n00bs, they are like animated dummies out there).


:atat: :atat: :atat::ewok: :ewok:


Die Endor furbie George Lucas lovechild token family movie muthahubbards!!!!!!MuHHHHAAAAHAHAHAAHAHAH

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Doh! I cant find anyone on and I pretty much play all the time. I did find Sokaran and hydro[/jedi] and played both of them. I was able to duel Sokaran and I was impressed how good he is in such a short amount of time, even though he played darkside he did not play cheaply and was very honorable. He chose his swings well and did not spam them at me, you could see he gave thought to his moves. As for hydro I only got to play him in ctf and rarely got him alone to test his skills.


I want to say i do not think I am the best player, but I want to play people who are good so i can become better and thats why I requested for people to post thier names here. Let me define also what i think a good player is


1. can block force pull and push

2. can counter Death from above move (DFA)

3. know how to pull, push a player to his back and capitalize on that move.

4. uses saber and force powers with THOUGHT and strings moves together to finish opponent

5. can counter once on back with a kick, saber or roll out at the right time.


(for instance one combo would be, pull to back, heavy swing while opponent down, and then throw light saber to finish them off.... suprisingly most people have not healed by this time and with 4 second from beginning to end most people dont have a chance once the combo is started)


Seriousblack, wanted to let you know your not out of my league, I just wouldnt play you on a Duel Server since drain reaches across most of the entire maps on duel servers and there would be nowhere for me to evade the drain power. grip I definately dont have a problem with since it can be counter so easily. also with drain on a duel server i can push you but you to counter but because the maps are so small you would never go far enought way for the push to be effective.


also, just because you beat me once or I beat you once doesnt mean either of us are elite. There has to be several matches as your playing style has to be such that you can adapt to new moves and counters as you figure your oppenent out.


Update: i got to play Khaydarin and he was very good. hes in france and I'm florida so we had a bit of a ping issue, but he has promised me a rematch on a more neutral server, but he did give me a thorough butt wippen

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