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Error: Upstack curropted in compiled code?


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i get this message after playing like 10 min. in a MP game.. either that.. or the game freezes then i get this windows had to close this prog. we are sorry for...


my spec.:


intel pentium III 800mhz


tnt2 32 mb


384mb kingston sd pc133


80gb seagate barracuda HD





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thx dude.. but that didnt help..


i have put g_dismemberment 0 in my autoexec to make sure its off during MP..


its a weird error.. either it says that "upstack curopted in compiled code" and it returns me to the menu screen in JKII


or it freezes (looks like when you loose your conection but i'm on a 1024kbit ADSL line and it happens everytime even on low ping 20ms servers).


the musics loops and the pc freesez for like 2 min. then i get this "JKII is not responding and windows have to close the application. we are sorry for..."


i have tried reinstaling all my drivers, using old ones,using brand new drivers too´, that didnt help.

i have tried reinstalling to another directory, tried defragmenting my hardrive, tried converting to NTFS and back to fat32, tried moving my RAM blocks around, tried closing down all other aplications including virus progs., tried yelling "you piece of crap pc", tried scanning everything for virus, tried removing all other pk3's than the original ones from my directory, tried running the screen resolution in the game at the lowest possible setting including turning down everything to low setting, tried opening ALL ports on my router, etc...


BTW> this only happens in MP.. in SP i have another prob. with the cutscene music but i can live with that..


my spec. again:



intel pentium III 800mhz


tnt2 32 mb


384mb kingston sd pc133


80gb seagate barracuda HD


Win XP Pro.


also i use a speedstream router on a 1024kbit ADSL hookup








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