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Dunno about anyone else but I'd really like to see someone compile a dictionary of all frequently used abbreviations used in-game [and in server names]. Some are JO specific and others are used in other FPS-games as well but I for one don't play FPS [guess JO would be more of a ThirdPersonSaber-game but...] apart from JO.


Anyone have one or willing to write one?

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how bout we make one...


AFK = A Free Kill / Away From Keyboard


RTFM = Read the ****ing Manual


RTFW = Read the ****ing Website


n00b/newb/newbie = new person to the game, normally recognized by huge luck factor and lack of knowledge


l33t = gamer/nerd speak, letters are replaced with symbols OR to be l33t is to be very good


uh..thats all I gots for now!



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gf can also mean get f***'d :)


gg - good game

jo - pretty sure it's jedi outcast

dfa - death from above, the downward slashing unblockable red saberstyle attack that you use on helpless opponents :)


just read em enough and eventually you can figure out what they mean from their context.

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