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Stuck in Artus mine topside???


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Help please!!! I am in Valley, topside from the mine level , Jan Ors needs me to destroy ion cannons before she can land to evacuate miners.....all bad guys are dead.....I have turned off force feild on ion cannons and destroyed the cannons......once I did that ....male voice says "i FEAL NERVOUS ABOUT THOSE atx'S (????) ONE GOOD SHOT COULD......CAN you help me out"........Kyle replies "i'll see what i can do'................... I now go back and forth endlessly......try to destroy the little cannons i used to destroy the ion cannons........they don't blow up.................try to destroy walking tanks in the 'garage' .....they just sit there.........I'm lost......please to enlighten this confused jedi!

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hmmm, no idea. you sure he isnt talking about the ATST's (all terrain scout "things"? lol) that are walking around the place? there's the first one that attacks you right at the start of the level, which you probly killed. then there's the second one that comes at you after you go up the first lift to where the prisoners are (after you shoot most of the stormie's off the top ledge where they're firing at the prisoners, it should come out of a hanger). thirdly, there's the one that comes at you when you're running through the canyon. the best way to kill them is to jump into one of the gun turrets and blast them.

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