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stuck in cairn.......


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alright......im stuck in cairn......

i got through all the elevators and secret tunnels.....into the room with gaurds and blaster turrets.......

figured out the mind trick on the officer watching through the window........

that was all no prob. but now im stuck where the welder is fabricating that big 3 level thing.

cant figure what to do...................kyle keeps saying.." there must be a way out of here"


any help would be appreciated


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force jump up the thing, and have a look around when you get to the second or third level. you should see where to go next. if you're still stuck, then read the SPOILER below


























Jump to the second or third level of the thing, look around until you find a ledge. jump onto the ledge, smash the grill. walk into the room, and destroy the four power pipes (careful, they do explosive damage). wait in the room until the scaffolding explodes and blows a hole in the door.

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