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Dreaded Lightsaber


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OK, here I go again. I made a Shadow Trooper mode, but once

again as with the rest of you guys, I failed in making the lightaber's after-glow.


I just keeps on shining part red, part blue(when swinging that is!), and it won't stop annoying me!!! Anybody who knows how to edit the afterglow, or maybe launch the cheats along with the game? I'm tired of this ****! Why can't we add our own lightsaber's? Are they afraid we could outsmart them in choice of color? Can't imagine that ever happening... :)

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I finally did it!!! I managed to get the glow to work!

However, it does not shine red, as I had hoped for, it shines white... Well, I guess it is better than nothing...


Anyone with ideas on how to help me further? I'm really annoyed with the poor replies I get!!!

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I have no idea how to do this, sorry man. Tell me what you did and I'll see if I can see what is needed to put in the swing colour - at worst, someone else will see this post. Man, I don't even have the damn game yet. Sorry bout that.

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I'm not sure if it is true....


but from what I know, as long as you don't put a color to blurglow.jpg and blurcore.jpg, ie) pure white, the color of the blur will be the color of the saber that you're using. However, if it's even slightly grey, it will end up being slightly grey for all your sabers.


You can use the firstsaberalt.pk3 downloadable in jediknightii.net to use that as a reference.


They use all red, so all sabers only have a red trail.


I hope that helps

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Thanks, guys. You really did me a (small, but superior) favor.


Your info was relavant, and siginificant.


Despite your inexperience, you show great knowledge, Walther.


I appreciate any advice Spenze, and you proved most useful.


However, Jojobob, Jarrodo Malachi and [JIT]Jedi, I wasn't after advice or directions, not corrections or cheats, but yes...


May the Force be with you all!

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