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My DEMO showing a few combos...


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hey whaddup.

here's a demo showing a few examples of how chaining follow through attacks into a combo would look.


the filesize is 57kb.

it shows 3 combos.


hopefully this can give you an idea of how to chain the attacks better without relying on "lucky keyboard taps."


these aren't sloppy and i didn't pull it off by "luck."




feedback is appreciated.

constructive criticism is always welcome.

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No I'd prefer it if only a few ppl saw this thread ;) . I've got the first combo down and the second is a piece of piss its just the third has me confused.




Do u use binds or macros because u hardly move at all between strikes.


Great frigging demo make it more informative break up the combos after u ve demonstrated them and tell ppl how to use slow motion when they play it back then it will be pucker.

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Originally posted by The_Mormegil



Do u use binds or macros because u hardly move at all between strikes.


He is using a walk toggle while doing those combos, which IMO makes them rather useless. Theres no way you can stay close to a guy long enough to hit him 4 or 5 times with a walk/swing combo, unless you have him backed into a corner or something.

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Put this in an autoexec.cfg:


set demoon "g_syncronousclients 1;record;g_syncronousclients 0;echo You are currently ^2Recording a demo.;set demotoggle vstr demooff"


set demooff "stoprecord;echo You are currently ^1Not ^1Recording a demo.;set demotoggle vstr demoon"


set demotoggle "vstr demoon"


bind F5 "vstr demotoggle"

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1. Next Time use a standard map ~ errr... pleb its the training grounds get it? I hope you're quicker when dueling.




2. Binding* scripts for moves is for weaklings ~~~~ errrrr..... Did u even need to say that, its like coming here and telling us the popes a catholic. Yes young Padawan Binding moves shows a complete lack of skill but thats all pulled off manually (something u'd probably know alot about).


LOL@me & i get funnier, stick around.

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