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Is it just me - or is heavy the only thing used anymore?


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Almost every damn server i go to, it turns into a major battle using only the heavy style. Coming from a background where i believe honorable combat is the best kind, this bothers me. Heavy is way too powerful. Yes I know it was included in the game for a reason, but for gods sake, to NEVER change from heavy is stupid. Heavy attacks are extremely easy to master, and extremely easy to mass 40 some kills to an enemies 3. Pretty retarded, when in truth, it is very possible that without that heavy stance, you would lose much more often.


Solution? No idea... The few people who have fought me man to man with medium or light, i have applauded, and when or if they win, i equally applaud them. I believe in awarding honorable combat, and lately, i have seen very few people in need of that reward. How many times have you seen a TFFA server, totally overrun by a team that ONLY uses heavy. It gets very stupid when, after 6 blue guys come into a hangar of equal or more reds, and totally take them all out, with one single lucky slice.


To me, using heavy exclusively is like sticking your dick out, hoping you manage to run into something pretty. If you somehow get even the slighest bit nicked on the arm or anything, even near the very end of the animation, you die - instantly. Often dead even with 100hp and 50shields.


No I am not whining. Yes i believe in having heavy in the game, as it does have a place. But should it be so powerful? Can't there be sometype of tradeoff? Perhaps leaving yourself totally open for a time after using it? It seems too easy to do a forward+jump+slash, and get a guy in one move.


I guess the reason so many people use it, IS because it is so easy to get cheap kills. What does anyone care about fighting for real, and having some type of honor code to it...

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i agree, im am pretty new to the game, and by my second gamed, figured out that all you had to do was either use the 2 weak stances and spin around a lot. or use heavy and jumpslash. heavy does seem a little too powerful but i have been defeated while using it quite a few times. a possible solution woudl be to buff up the other 2 stances , making them a little faster even.


i played rune for quite a long time and still love the game's MP experience. from that i only join games of saber only and mostly of that no force powers. the transition from rune was kinda discouraging as the saber moves a bit slower than the weapons in rune, so my planned strategy of weak but really fast, seemed not possible. you seem to be wanting more honorable battles, and i can assure you its one thing rune has, and has done well.

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i agree with what you are saying, heavy is used almost soley in every single duel game i go to... But, i highly doubt that raven will ever nerf the heavy stance, as it still retains it's negative factors. A skilled blue fighter IMO can easily take down a swing-and-pray approached newbie... perhaps someone will start a server where you can only use blue/yellow? I do agree that is would be much more fun, and if i get enough people wanting to do it, i'll make a server myself enforcing only the use of blue/yellow stances

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Heavy isn't that hard to battle (only exception is fighting someone who spams dfa when you have a significatly higher ping). The only bad thing is that it can get boring because its so easy to dodge, but the person keeps on trying over and over and over to hit you. Its not overpowered.

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I used to be a strong stance user, but then I found it was actually a lot more fun to use light stance. I can dodge in and out really quickly and make faster slashes in succession. I actually get more kills with light stance, strong just takes so long between swings, it leaves you open to attack. Light or medium stances also tend to give the feeling of actual dueling.

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Heavy (red) stance is the most powerful for a reason, it takes the most points to get. The investment is supposed to pay off. It's that simple. I don't know why everyone thinks all 3 stances are supposed to be balanced, they ARE NOT supposed to be.


So, master red, or save a few points for force abilities and master yellow. Forget blue.

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Too many people overlook light stance because it's the "weakest." Light stance is easy to defend from because there is no pause in your attacks, and your swings have a good chance of hitting as well. Just disregard blue at your own risk, because you could find yourself cut up real fast by a light stance user.

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I really don't understand one-stance-only-people. I mean, isn't it obvious that different stances work better in some situations than others?!

Take, for example, dueling on a narrow bridge with "the void" underneath. The benefits of the red stance are clear: hit hard and drop your opponent off the bridge. Now, if you know that the opponent is very low on health, has no shields left and you're fighting on a limitless plain...using the uberpowerful, but slow RS would be totally dumb. One hit with the light stance is quite enough.

All this should be obvious..?

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Id say that red stancers number the same as yellow and blue combined. However, if the server isnt NF, this is a good thing. It means that you can rack i nthe kills by waiting for some one to swing, and then pushing them ;)

I also find that the non running red stancers are a god send for the blue player as you can EASILY take them out as they try to slash you. When you run into a good red stance player though... they are virtually unstoppable. They just avoid you until they are swinging, then after the pinicle of their swing they run bacwards. Ive actually been using this (trying to learn red stance) as of late, it works AMAZINGLY well.

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To me, using heavy exclusively is like sticking your dick out, hoping you manage to run into something pretty.


Worked for me :rofl: ...no it didn't. I've ran into "something pretty" and she's been my girlfriend for six months come this Wednesday. :)


I prefer yellow stance since you can do combos with it, and I like the way it looks. Red stance looks too slow and blue stance has that whole frenzied chicken look going on (hold strafe and attack buttons for eternity).


I'm not saying that either red or blue stance take less skill. Red stance you must time your attack well, and it takes an immense amount of skill to whittle away an opponent's health using blue stance.


I play majorly in yellow stance, although I occasionally switch to red and/or blue to mix things up a little.



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Hah, dedicating yourself to one stance is foolish!


I usually pick up peoples patterns within 30 seconds of a duel, then all it takes is 2 or 3 well placed Fastor Medium strikes and they're 6 feet under! (I save DFA for DFA spammers)


3 Stance Combos!


nuff said...



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I Gave up on just about all Saber Duels of any kind.... i play CTF and thats about the ONLY thing..... its a thrill to use force powers and have bullets flying every which way.

However... im CTF people DO use this ALL Heavy thing... i usaly just pop afew Seconary fires from the repeater...but if its Sabers only you try to use force as much as you can... then keep saber throwing at them it SLOWLY Takes away about 20HP even if they are blocking...


Yea.... whats really bad is Heavyonly+Drain Only... as if they are the only forces.



Some people come into CTF wanting to duel, the other day a guy came into a game saying "Damn, i am so good!" and i thought "Gimmie one second with that BIZATCH" and when i saw him face to face running with his cute little saber out and him "Dueling everyone" i Pushed him off the side and continued Guarding the flag, So he says " Man WTF, You wont even duel me!!!"


Some people dont get it

in Duel you Duel

In CTF you Guard/Capture the flag

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Octavious, I DISAGREE! Maybe you should try venturing on my server where Strong is used sparingly. Actually the only time it really is used is when another player is force pushed to the ground allowing for the strong swing to take them out. And the stance that a person uses has nothing to do with honorable fighting. If they kicked sand in your face our punched you in the willie then I could understand your argument, but it really isn't that hard to take out a strong stance man. Use the tools given to you, force push them over, force pull them into your swing, Mind Trick them and take them from behind, ect ect. When you talk about something that really isn't fair, then you can call me so I won't completly waste my time.

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Ingus agrees with oct, all heavy stance players in ingus's opinion are just in it for the kills and running up the score board.


heavy stance is cool in a combo but jeez its so predictable watching players circle you to do a spin attack with heavy stance


win or loss ingus likes being part of a saber fight on the level of obiwan/darth maul in episode 1 , its more intense and challenging try to go toe to toe with an opponent wall quick blocks and quick strikes back n forth.


ingus doesn't care what style a player uses it just makes the player look like a whore when they are hooked on 1 thing in the game.


all heavy stance is preditable, be versatile idiots :p

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But aren't Jedi's cheaters by nature? the Force gives them a major advantage over others and in the end there is no honourable code concerning the Jedi, it's not very honourable to batter your opponent senseless with Force powers is it? you fight with the intent to win and at the end of the day winning is all that matters your opponent is dead and you're still alive, that's what's important isn't it? if someone just uses strong stance and can be beaten by someone with low-medium stance does it really matter that they only use strong stance, they're not invincible and anyone good at saber combat can beat them, so is there any point in complaining about "easy" kills?


Here's an interesting quote from an article in Empire Magazine about Mace Windu and "honourable" saber combat:


"You find out that Mace is not the calmest of Jedis," Jackson laughs, sporting a Kangol hat-V-neck sweater-polo shirt ensemble that only he could make cool. "He definitely has a flashpoint. There are a lot more battle scenes in this than in the first one, so you get to see Mace in action. You find out how he goes about doing things. He is not the person you were lead to believe."Jackson worked closely with stunt-coordinator Nick Gillard to develop Mace's particular brand of whup-ass."I wanted Mace to be kind of efficient," he says. "I've watched a lot of Japanese samurai films so I worked with Nick to incorporate some kendo moves, and I took fencing when I was younger, and I'm a huge Errol Flynn fan so I got to throw all that stuff in."


And Mace Windu, it turns out, is also a bit of a streetfighter. "For me," says Jackson, "there are times when you don't have to be fair in a battle situation and wait for your opponent to turn and face you. Mace isn't necessarily one to do things the honourable way, he'd just as soon lightsaber you in the back."

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Yawn....why don't you concentrate on getting better at defeating red stance players with yellow or blue rather than moaning about how "unfair" the game is, I play with all the stances and adjust my tactics according to who im fighting and a good yellow stance player can run rings around someone using red stance. Take advantage of the merits of yellow and blue and you'll find that red stance players aren't quite as 'indestructable' as you once thought :D

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