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Split Kyle and massive fps drop...

Magnanimous A

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I apologize for any redundancy...I have scoured these forums for a solution.


My SP 3rd person Kyle has developed a siamese twin...I have an active kyle and a kyle "overlay" that just sort of stands there..anyone else encounter this? Additionally, when I enter that big abyss thingy where missles are first introduced to the unsuspecting jedi I am experiencing what seems to be a masssive drop in fps manifested by a severe lag-like problem.


I have an athalon 1.3ghz, geforce2 64mb and 256mb ram. Help me oh wise forum minions...your my only hope.




Magnanimous Agamemnon

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Check your settings ... are you running 'defaults' or have you tweaked things out? I would recommend dropping back and seeing if it is a graphic handling thing.


My only issue the whole game was at the infamous 'swamp' level.


BTW - I really love that level you are at with the missles, I died so gloriously on that ....

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My SP 3rd person Kyle has developed a siamese twin...I have an active kyle and a kyle "overlay" that just sort of stands there..anyone else encounter this?

I have the same problem only when I restart The Pit level(duel againts Tavion), while loading my saved game for that level doesn't do anything like that. I have to admit though, it's weirdest bug I have ever encountered so far. :confused:

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I got the siameze twin Kyle as well. It happened only after I created an autoexec.cfg file and included two lines to enable realistic saber combat. It only happened on the Nar Shadda Level, which I was done with anyway.


Wierd, but if you could get the other kyle to do anything, you would be able to put that "other"saber to use.......

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