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Katana Model


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OT question: Whats the difference between a Pure server and Non Pure?


ive played on several servers that have your katana saber, does that mean they are non pure servers or does the server simply have the .pk3 file?

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It means they are probably non-pure.


I think you can make a server and call it Pure, but anyone joining MUST HAVE the exact same PK3 files you do.


So if you made a Katana server pure, anyone without the Katana couldn't join.


On non-pure servers I think all of your PK3's are clientside? I don't know.

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not correct


non pure servers:

any client may join.. all his pk3 should work

meaning if you have the katana mod and join a non pure server then all ppl will have the katana but only on your screen(!!!!!)

unless they have the same pk3 file


but if you join a pure server then the game will only load pk3's that the server has...


meaning if you join a pure server that doesnt have that katana mod, then you wont have it too.. cuz your game doesnt load it

its forbidden...


if he has it then this means that the ones who have it too can use it... but the ones that dont have it, and have automatic downloading turned off, will still see the normal lightsaber

(thus having an advantage over the katana users... because the blades glow in extreemly visible colors on their screens)

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Since you messed with tags so much, BacMeth, do you think it's probably possible to replicate that double bladed saber? I mean...what if you copy the tags on the saber, and put the copied set at the end of the hilt? ;) Wouldn't that work...?

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nope i doubt it'll work cuz you cant have 2 objects with the exact same name... and the game will only read the tag_flash...

not any other tags like tag_flash_1 ot tag_flash01

you need coding to be able to do this


SniperJo: of course.. i'm planning to add blood and a cutting sounds...

but i wanna get the blur to work first


toolboi? you hear me?

gimmay your e-mail/icq/aim pleez k?

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'ey Bac, I already did give you my email, look back when I was trying to get a prerelease ;)


Ya, and sorry for lack of updates (or rather progress), but I had this thing called Morrorwind eating up my life :D

Do not play it, I havent seen digital crack that pure since Alpha Centauri.


Im having a bitch keeping the swoosh from clipping with the sword, but I have the general mask done (a white swoosh to which I can add texture). The damn swoosh just doesnt want to stay in its place, and I fear that I know **** form apple butter about editing shaders. I suppose its time to learn...


Now Im trying to figgure out how to use greys without having them change color, I might have to go for a slight blue. Oh, and also does any one know if you can add shaders to a swoosh? Adding a metallic shine to it would be MEGA cool.


Oh and Ill up some early pics of it when I can find a place to upoad them. I used to use my schools FTP, but it looks like they no longer recognize me... odd...


Edit: Further update: I added texture to the blur, but it still looks just like a textureless swing. I cant figgure out why...

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i just stumbled across the thread, this is awsome, i've been stuck at the 90* stage for almost a week (i was about to give up and make a light-syth :) ). md3 view mysteriously stoped working some time ago, failed on wg|create context|(HDC hdc) or something like that, so i havent been able to tinker with it much, but some of my files may still be of use.


i reformated some of my texture files to work with your uv map (obviously not releasing, but i'll be glad to send a copy) they're late shinto style and somewhat sharper than the originals

i also removed sparks/etc from wall and saber impacts, added a light motion blur and attached my blood mod

to be honest though i'm still not quite sure how to set the tags properly, on mine i just manualy copied out the relavent sections of the glm header from a standard saber.

oh, when tags aren't set the game still renders a saber blade, it just does it with reference to global coordinates :), so it ussualy ends up stuck in a wall some place near the center of the level.

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Originally posted by Sniper Jo

Could we have an update report please. It's been a while now and I am realy interested to see how you solve the sheathe thing.


i told ya! no sheathe until source code is released

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Damn I should look in the modeling forum more often.:D It was downloadable, and I didnt even know it.:D


The things (which Im sure you already know of, and even mentioned but I just want to list them) I see not right are..


The markings on the walls that are kinda glowing should probably just be made grey like the cooled down ones if possible.


The weird grey boxes around the hand, and handel when throwing.


The one swoosh sound alot louder than the rest, and kinda out of place. (the one really strong sounding one)


It sucks trying to use the destroyer when the cheats are enabled because nothing shows on the one side. I doubt you can even make just that side look saber like which would help you know were the blade is at if it even can do dammage now.(didnt put in a bot to check yet:o )


the glow that shows up on the player, and on the ground under werever the sword is actualy helps since it tells you when a saber is out, or not which is nice till a sheathed version is able to be done. So thats a good thing, but maybe if it were possible to make the glows all white or something it wouldnt look so unnatural. Not to sure what else could be done in that department.


If some kind of thing like that blood patch thing could be worked into the katana pk3 would be great since a katana will of coarse cause blood unlike a light saber.


Well It think thats all the constructive comments, and/or suggestions I can think of.


I really love it so far other than it makes using the destroyer code pretty dumb.:yoda:

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thx for the input...


i'm already working on adding the bloodpatch and removing the glow (the wall glow too)


the destroyer thing.. :dsaber:

well katana isnt made for the destroyer cheat... i think that cheat sucks anyway because there arent any proper double saber animations..and a katana with a lightsaber blade emitting downwards from the handle would look rather odd

so: the katana does make the destroyer dumb yes...

but this will stay the same cuz i dont like this cheat and i dont think it doesnt fit the sword


the sheathe sound.. well yea thats exactly why i put it in...

i tried without and it was very confusing

if you run and hit the saber key and dont know if you did it right...

it will take a while until i'm able to add the sheathe...

i think i'll create a samuraiish model until then :)


i'm still some kind of :newbie: when it comes to skinning and animations... but i learn fast.. and i'm doing lots of tuts and reading a book from paul steed about low poly modeling and skinning right now...

and i'm trying to weight the kyle model that you can see on my page...

its just a matter of time :)


oh and that big swoosh sound.. yea you're right.. but i like it sooo much :)

i wanted to have that one as a red only sound... but everything i tried yet didnt work... the sound is chosen by random :(


oh and of course i will try to implement a motion blur... (well toolboi is going to do that for me; thx dude !)

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Actually right now the blur is coming along VERY badly. I just cant get it to work right for the life of me. It looks fine when you swing it one way (right to left) but looks totally screwed up the other way. What Im thinking now is to replace the blur with more of a matrix style one, but that would look REALLY screwed up since the program likes to stretch the image. By the by, this stretching effect is exactly whats screwing me up, when it stretches it looses all the minute detail I put into it and becomes a white blur.


Bac, send me a contact and Ill send you what I made so far, but it looks like ass. The bright white blur just doesnt look right with a silver Katana...


So basically Im at a roadblock right now, Im starting to wonder wether a good looking blur is actually feasable without the SDK and much more patience than I have. What would look REALLY nice is if it would be possible to warp the model when swinging... but thats way beyond my abillity so Ill stick to trying ot get this swoosh to work.

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Originally posted by toolboi

Actually right now the blur is coming along VERY badly. I just cant get it to work right for the life of me. It looks fine when you swing it one way (right to left) but looks totally screwed up the other way. What Im thinking now is to replace the blur with more of a matrix style one, but that would look REALLY screwed up since the program likes to stretch the image. By the by, this stretching effect is exactly whats screwing me up, when it stretches it looses all the minute detail I put into it and becomes a white blur.


Bac, send me a contact and Ill send you what I made so far, but it looks like ass. The bright white blur just doesnt look right with a silver Katana...


So basically Im at a roadblock right now, Im starting to wonder wether a good looking blur is actually feasable without the SDK and much more patience than I have. What would look REALLY nice is if it would be possible to warp the model when swinging... but thats way beyond my abillity so Ill stick to trying ot get this swoosh to work.



Does the actual weapon itself distort when it trying to blur.


What about making the blur transparent then slowy adding in colors





post some screenies

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