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God It Takes Forever To Compile!!


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It might. The more lights and the larger the map, the longer it takes. Sometimes up to 6 hours. Try removing all except one light and running fast vis 1/2. It should enlighten the whole map automatically and not take as long. It'll look ugly, but at least you can check your archi.


My map is huge, having 65 lights. It takes 2 minutes. Weird?!

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use detail brushes where you can. always do a fullvis. it takes longer than a fast vis but it speeds up the lighting and easily pays for itself. light using -fast until your final version as well. thats my quick advice.



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I have to agree with the first post-er.


The program's standing on it's toes.


What I mean is, it's unstable! The fags make you sit there for 2 hours wondering "damn, this sucks" and don't even bother to give you a progress bar!


Gaaaah; to think. RAVEN made this, RAVEN!

I hate to say it, but if had that company I sure would spank 'em into shape ya know? Pssshh :mad:

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Reelo stop wanking.


A batfile gives you a progress, I posted it a hunderd times in this forum, I am not going to repeat myself. As Tems said, make brushes that do not have to split up the bsp tree detail, which will make the vis process much quicker. It can change your 6hour compile into a 2 minute compile.

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reelo you silly fat wanker! youve posted two moronic messages lately...

first off, formatting your drive to remove jk2radiant?? what the **** is that?!? are you stupid?? Un-installers are made for a reason, but jk2radiant doesnt even have one, You installed radiant out of a ZIP. delete the 'tools' folder and thats it!!


second, the BSP compiler was made by John 'god' Carmack originally for q3, but the jk2 one (actually its SoF2) is just a modified version made out of BSP source thats in the q3 SDK.

Stop whineing and make a progress bar if you want!! they'll bring out the Source SDK any day now,so that means the BSP source will be there too.


Back to the point, what system do all of you have? I made a Wolfenstien map that was really brush heavy (it was a sloppy first q3 engine map) also with about 50 lights, and 20 dynamic lights and for a full compile it took less than 10 mins


ive only got a cel950 with 256mb ram, geforce2MX 64mb

maybey something is wrong with your system?


Seems to be the problem of many ppl on these forums, complaining about how jk2 doesnt work, or is really slow, but their system is to blame. Reformatting and Reinstalling windows every month or so keeps your system running fine and fast. The newest drivers wont be bad either

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make a progress bar? who do you think i am?? some nerdy programmer?


and just exactly how on earth is a batfile supposed to show you (in real-time i might add) the *current* progress?

yeah, maybe it records after, but thats no good! :p


i think if they could bring out a manual (in wich the link kinda like, EXISTS) that would really be a great help. something that has a contents, and an faq, tutorials on EVERYTHING, example maps, (i could go on like this)



i just hope raven continues updating, and some time in the future maybe even bring out something more ui freindly


you know, take ZBrush for example. good interface, easy to use. instead here we have a horrible grey interface, and it takes about a week to learn the basics. of course, that doesn't go to say it's not effective.


im suprised i can get you guys so angry with ease. i have a real power here! lets see what the next post says:

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Angry? I don't get angry with the mentally retarded. They're trying their best. They don't know any better.


They're dev tools. For the devs. Therefore the "nerdy programmers" who created them need not worry about catering to your average impatient, rude, and oblivious End User. You get a readme and you get the program.


Would you really rather the devs had spent six months to a year creating a GUI for all of their tools, plus contract technical writers to compile a complete manual? That's time taken away from the game, which means you wouldn't be playing JK2 until 2003. Plus, costs would have increased, and that would have resulted in one of two scenarios: 1) the tools are frozen in development and they go with what they have, or 2) the increase in overhead is passed on to you in the form of a higher box price. The first option is more likely, which means no user tools for JK2, which means no JK2 mods.


There's no way a company is going to release incomplete tools to the general public, nor are they going to spend company resources to create a set of tools specifically for the end user. They clean up what they used to make the game, then they release that. The tools aren't intended for Jimmy Gamer, they're intended for the "nerdy programmer" type that you so baselessly slander.


If you don't like it, I hear crying helps.

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yeah, that's kinda what I ment. maybe they'll bring out a new one, that'll be even better!


but do you have any advice for me if Jedi Outcast doesn't un-install? cause ever since i installed JK2Radiant, it doesn't.

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