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Favorite Storm Trooper Conversation?


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Mine is in the stealth level, you go through a door and the floor between where you are and where your going is electric pipes. They are talking about the biggest ship they have ever been on, and at the end one calls the other a nerf-herder.....classic.

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That one was pretty hillarious 'I'VE been on a Star Destroyer' lol...


I think my favorite was the 'You killed TWO Jedi' one, it wsa right after that frustrating trek through the Reactor (my first time through was NOT pleasant) and it was so funny to hear him talk about it and then pop up and dispatch with him, as I recall I gripped the one I felt was the 'blasphemer' lol (ok...so I have problems...:trooper::slsaber::D)

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That one with the TIE pilot wanna be getting ripped by his collegue over his lack of knowledge concerning a TIE fighter - hahaha, I think he was wishing he would die there and then from embarassment.


And of course, being the kind helpful Jedi that am, assisted him in this matter!!!



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It is in the Doomgiver bays with all the Tie Fighters, you get to a locked door and have to jump up and go through a grate above the door. You are now above a big room, and walking around in the ceiling. When you first enter they are talking about Reelo, but if you continue around to the other side you here the pilot wanna be.

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Nomad, yours is at the beginning of the Stealth level. I like that one, too.


Everyone else: The TIE conversation is at the other end of the crawlspace that explodes when the troopers shoot it on the Doomgiver Detention level. On one end you here about why the Empire should/should not have been working with Reelo. On the other, you hear the troopers talking about Trooper #2 wanting to become a TIE Pilot. Trooper #1 is ripping on his buddy for not knowing anything. The conversation ends with Trooper #1 saying that he knows so much because he remembers everything, and then he asks his buddy, "Now, what's my operating number?" LOL!! He remembers everything about TIEs, but doesn't know his own operating number!! I've always liked that one.


There's another one on Cairn_Bay that I like. This is right before you drop through the big grate after leaving the hangers. Anyway, two troopers are discussing the merits of the E-11 vs. the Repeater. The trooper with the E-11 says that even though it's wildly inaccurate, he's still fond of his blaster rifle.

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My fave conversation would have to be when your in the first Cairn level. If you don't open the one room to space you can hear a stormtrooper talking about Nar Shadda and saying that a jedi had messed stuff up. Then you hear another one say that the last person he wants to fight is a jedi.

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Originally posted by MasterJoel

On the other, you hear the troopers talking about Trooper #2 wanting to become a TIE Pilot. Trooper #1 is ripping on his buddy for not knowing anything. The conversation ends with Trooper #1 saying that he knows so much because he remembers everything, and then he asks his buddy, "Now, what's my operating number?" LOL!! He remembers everything about TIEs, but doesn't know his own operating number!! I've always liked that one.


Not to ruin you enjoyment, but I thought that the last line was said by Trooper #1 as a challenge to Trooper #2's claim that he remembers everything. And the line was "Yeah? Well what's my operating number?"

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Personally, I like the one near the end of the stealth level. It's right after you shut off the power generators, and run between them. You kill some officers and then move around these two tall parallel walls. The troopers are talking about some kind of Sith weapon, an axe. The best line is "You hang out with a strange crowd" or something like that...


Besides that, the beginning of the stealth level where the trooper is talking to an officer and tells him visual scans have detected nothing and if he wants more he'll have to send a thermal detection unit down. His apology after his apparant dressing down is pretty funny...

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I like the conversation on the Doomgiver when you are riding up the elevator and there is an officer and a few ST above you. They start talking about killing things and the officer asks the ST if he's ever killed anything and he replies "yea i was the ace womprat shooter......" and then the officer says "damn rookies... no wonder our empire is falling apart"

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The best is on the stealth level! If you wait long enough in a crouched position at the opening to the area where you turn off the lights, if you quickly turn-on your light sabre, then holster it - ST #1 says "Did you hear something?", then ST #2 replies "Yeah - I just broke wind!".... LOL!!!

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