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Where are the CTF Maps?


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Remember CTF maps are a little harder to make then FFA maps or duel maps. The maker has to consider team size...weapons placement for both sides. Symetry (sp?) and other things to make a good CTF map. In fact I think besides SP maps they are the hardest to do.

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You're probably right there.


While most people will just make medium to small DM maps (since those are the easiest to do), in for example, the UT community, you had many great CTF and Assault mapes created.


Sure the early maps probably won't be that great, but eventually we should see some real gems, which I look forward to playing!


Once people get the hang of decent bot pathing, and team scripts, these kinds of maps shouldn't seem so daunting to make.


But you're right, item and base placement is KEY in these kinds of maps.

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Sounds like youall know what you are talking about. FFA and dual maps look like they would be easier to make. In fact some of the dual maps I have seen are very very simple. I am looking forward to the new CTF maps by Lamp Studios.

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I'm working on a CTF right now. Need to finish duel first though. The cool thing is, I'm working on three maps at the same time! Because I'm working on the duel one, I'm working on the other two at the same time. It's a Mimban Temple (another of the many) and I'm going to have a Duel version(working on that now), CTF version and FFA version. All are grids of rooms (duel: three by three ctf:five by five with two flag rooms and ffa:a whopping seven by seven grid of rooms!) BTW, all of the rooms are 20 by 20, and the center room is twice as high with a second floor.


Will post screens tomorow. :)

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Team Valar is releasing a CTF map pack sometime toward the end of May. It will include 3-5 maps, designed for hardcore CTF competition. If the community likes them, hopefully we can get them into some ladder rotations. I'll post a new thread later this month with work in progress screenshots. If anyone has any cool ideas they would like to see, contact me in #valar on irc.enterthegame.com Thanks!

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