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Raven: Are you even WORKING on a patch? (bump until someone answers)


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Anyhow, the concept of communism being a solidified political entity was warped by totalitarian regimes - mainly because Marx saw that a legal system was a tool of the wealthy and anything more than laws that are continually dynamic are meant to control the masses - laws that apply fundamentals were considered corrupt. The principle of communism is the historical process of man toward some sort of enlightened path that is yet to be determined - these processes can be observed via actions and economics that people develop.

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Originally posted by Vestril


Isn't the point of this post to get the attention of someone who knows those details and knows wheter or not a patch is being released? So far what has been put out is mostly speculation, but I would think a lot of it is rather trustworthy since it follows a fairly solid line of reasoning. What's more it wouldn't be a forum if we didn't endlessly debate things we can't change :D (oh and I definitely include myself in that group :p)

A patch will be released

That is not speculation, and it has been said several times in this thread.

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Originally posted by NewBJedi

Anyhow, the concept of communism being a solidified political entity was warped by totalitarian regimes. The principle of communism is the historical process of man toward some sort of enlightened path that is yet to be determined.


This is horribly off topic for this thread but... :)


Along with totalitarianism the rise of the beuaratic class (variations on natural human greed & power longing) were further ways to keep idealistic Communism from working. That and Communism is implemented through near constant revolution, and its real damn hard to keep on having organized proletariat revolution when youre trying to run a regime... heheh

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A patch will be released

That is not speculation, and it has been said several times in this thread.




I think no one here knows the details about the contract between LEC and Raven, so no one can say what obligations Raven has or has not about doing a patch.


Ummm...these two things you said, digl, would seem to inherently contradtict one another... In one you say there WILL be a patch, in the other you say that we have no way of knowing whethere or not Raven has to do a patch.


Is someone else doing it? I don't mean to come across as a smart a$$ its just that the two statements don't match up.

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But really, the patch will be released tomorrow.


It will!!!! JOY JOY JOY!!! Do I have to pay you for it digl??? Where do I send the check...gosh, I hope it's not too much, I only have 400$ to spare...

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Oh yee of little faith. Lucasarts usually makes 1 patch, followed by an expansion CD.


I can almost guarantee JK2:Exp Pack will have something to do with EP2.


so hold your farts in until then!


The next patch will probably not add anything new, and balance the force powers.


It WOULD be cool if LEC was like valve and blizzard and added stuff to their games to increase replayability and make gamers a fan of the company not just the game ---- But lets face it LEC has never been that way.


But I can't complain about them since SWGB I predict their next 5 SW games are going to rock our sox.. SO far so good.

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LEC is the Publisher/Distributer for NORTH AMERICA.


ACTIVISION is the Publisher/Distributer for the rest of the world.


RAVEN is responsible for development which tells me that they would be the more likely of the companies to decide on the patches. While Activision and especially LEC would have a say, i think the final say of what's in the patch and when it is done comes to Raven.


just my thoughts.


DarthNoodles out...

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Of course he won't tell us exactly what's going to be in the patch. It'll ruin the suspense!


Imagine when you first run the newly patched JO, log into your favorite server, and find the saber replaced with a foam Nerf bat.


Kidding, of course. But seriously, you guys need to have patience. Remember what Obi Wan said? Well...me neither, but patience is uh, good or something.

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Originally posted by hyrit

Of course he won't tell us exactly what's going to be in the patch. It'll ruin the suspense!


Imagine when you first run the newly patched JO, log into your favorite server, and find the saber replaced with a foam Nerf bat.


Kidding, of course. But seriously, you guys need to have patience. Remember what Obi Wan said? Well...me neither, but patience is uh, good or something.


I think that's a Yoda quote: "Patience! For the Jedi it is time to eat as well? ehh? ehhhhHEHEHEHEHEH!!!" :cool:

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Originally posted by Vestril






Ummm...these two things you said, digl, would seem to inherently contradtict one another... In one you say there WILL be a patch, in the other you say that we have no way of knowing whethere or not Raven has to do a patch.


Is someone else doing it? I don't mean to come across as a smart a$$ its just that the two statements don't match up.

I get your point Vestril, but you must see what I'm replying to so both things make sense. My second post was replying to NewB, and it didn't imply that there was no patch being done or that I didn't now, I said that no one knows what Raven is forced to do or is not.
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Well, we have now had official word from Raven that they're are on it, so there is no need for me to state that I never doubted that for a second :).


I feel the need to adresse XManny's criticism of Blizzard:


Diablo II was really buggy when it came out, and Blizzard had their asses worked off fixing the **** they created. That's why the patches.


If you take a look at the readme file for each of the patches to Diablo2 you will realize that it was actually only the first patch (perhaps the first 2 patches) that actually contained bug fixes. All the other patches were related to balancing issues (the level 80 sorceress' something was more powerful that the level 80 barbarian's something-else) and/or the exclusion of cheats.


When a company takes the time to create a patch to eleminate cheaters I applaud the effort and gain a whole new level of respect for that company as it shows that they care about their product.


Regarding the balancing issues who can honestly expect that developers can figure out every devious thought of the whole gaming community and have everything evened out from day one. We face the same things with this game. For example the Drain ability in it self is working as it is supposed to and the Grip/Lightning abilities are also working fine. Combined with diversity there are no problems. Combined without diversity and "hello mr. Drain/Grip/Lightning [insert unpleasant name here]".


I'm not trying to start that discussion here again as there are so many other threads out there regarding this issue already. This was just an example and I could just as easily have picked the Heal power or gun related issues. I just picked on of the things that many people feel are unbalanced/overpowered (not that I necessarily agree).


My point is that unbalancing issues have always been and will always be a part of multiplayer games and if you disagree then take a look at what happened to the Arctic Sniper Riffle (AWP) in Counter Strike. They toned it down considerably in later patches and even removed the standard targeting reticle in the HUD when using sniper riffles. (Hmm, that didn't come out the way I had planned. In fact it sounds more like a threat: "If you disagree you're gonna get it" :eek: I assure you that was not the intention so please bare with me :) )


Whoops I'm starting to ramble here. Anyway, there were two reasons that I wanted to post here. The first was to say that there was no question about whether or not Raven/LEC was working on a patch ... Check, did that already.


Alright, the second reason for this post is related to the second issue in the original topic, feedback to the community.


I'm not going to criticise Raven or LEC about the lack of feedback to the community as every company has their own guidelines as to how this is handled. I'm just going to mention a few intances where it has been dealt with differently.


Has anybody played DisciplesII: Dark Prophecy ?!? Great game developed by Strategy First (DisciplesII Site ) but there were some problems with it at first. Some people couldn't get it to work at all (luckily I was not one of them) and there were some minor gameplay related bugs/discrepancies. I started a thread in their Technical Forum regarding one such discrepancy and just few short hours later there was a reply (if you want to see it for youself then here is a link: This is one way to do it :D ) The next patch (which was actually the first patch) my issue wasn't adressed but in the following patch, which came only a few weeks later, the problem had been fixed.


As I've said, I'm not here to criticise how Raven/LEC do things but I can tell you that it felt extremely good to know that I had taken part (albeit a very small part :D) in making that game even greater than it already was by helping addressing issues for the developers to look at. What did it take to make me feel that way?!? A simple acknowledgement from the technical support that my voice had been heard. It could be as simple as: "gotcha" It doesn't matter how elaborate the response is or whether or not it is actually a problem/bug that will be adresse ever but merely the ramblings of a raving lunatic. The simple acknowledgement that you are NOT talking to a wall can do wonders to the peace of mind :D.


Another example is how the Morrowind developers/artist/public relations people/and whatnot took the time to answer a question a week from RPGVault (direct link or just go to the RPGVault main page and you can't mis it :) ). Some of the developers are also very active in the forums (plural?!?). Granted, they are not currently working on a soon-to-be-released high profile title as well but apparently they feel that the developing time the loose by spending a little time answering questions in the forums here and there earns them a lot more goodwill from their fanbase than the possibility of being able to release the game a few days earlier ever would.


Hey, are you still awake :D


Well, if you are then you have my thanks for reading my novel and my apologies that it got so long but I kind of got carried away.


Cheers all

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