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Why are the MP Bots so bad?


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I just OWNED Luke in duel mode on Jedi Master with no force. He was so easy. Half the time he just jumped up and down. Him using the strong stance was so easy to counter - just duck and swing.


Has anyone made a bot who provides a challenge? I think Luke is stronger than Desann.


ps - I'm not god at this game either, I consider my self a little better than average.

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You're probably not playing a map that came with the game (I assume so because you say Luke is jumping up and down continually). That's why. Play a map that came with the game or one of the newer maps (like Sky High) that are starting to support bots.

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the jumping probably came form a map with no bot support but...


The bots suck. They suck long and they suck hard. I could own any bot in duel mode when I was starting out, its easy. Whats hard are people. Why? People are not predictable. That is the problem with bots, they are predictable. Wait, push, swing, or just go headless chicken on them. Hell, even with guns they suck (much like q3), they just have insane aim.

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