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Loosing interest and faith in mapping.


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I am getting a bit discoraged. I have been working on my fairly large sith temple map. The Idea stems from various points of inspiration including the TF.N fan film "Duality", Mysteries of the Sith, and my own designs. Now so far What I have is an unimpressive and useless 2 floor building with jedi academy textures that is merely a cover front for a large sith temple. The temple entrance is hidden in one of the walls of the lame building and requires force powers to open. Once inside there is a totaly different architecture from the cover building. It features a new texture which DOMINATES the temple (for now. it tends to loose resolution quality for some reason and Im sick of that.) The architecture is made totaly of violet marble. Sofar I have a holocron room and a throne room. each room will be accessed via a hidden door in the previous room's walls. But heres my problem. THE LIGHTING IS PUTTING A HALT ON THE DEVELOPMENT!!!! I cant get the lighting right. I despise seeing maps with lighting that has no source (no lamp or torch) So I set out to make sure every light has a source. Unfourtunately, to keep the lights looking soft and eerie, I have to lower thier intensity drasticaly, at the expense of the map's visibility. I tried ambient lighting but no matter what color and intensity I set it to, i get an ugly red light being cast on kyle and ONLY kyle. I am so hung up on the lighting, I cant bring myself to continue expanding the map. And since I cant get the lighting right, I am considering putting this map and my other map on the shelf. Nobody seems to want to REALLY help, so I just give up!

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Well you could do a search at http://www.google.com and look for quake 3 textures that other people have made and download those and texture your temple with. I don't think this would be illegal since other people made those custom textures and the maps are free to download.


I agree with the lightsource issue. In a temple why not create yourself some torch and fire pit brushes and put fire in there. Then put a light entity above it and make it orange (with your light selected press k to bring up your colors). Here look at these screenshots:








As you can see the mood is much better. Just stick with it. You'll learn more as you go along. I know I am.


As for that duality temple I think that would rock! I saw that little movie a few weeks back and damn...


If you need level design inspiration just look at any pictures of ancient egytian temples on the internet. There are hundreds of new maps just waiting to be created.

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Unikorn from Wired Lamp Studios notified me that he was also going to make a version of the Sith Temple or Korriban aka the Sith Temple from Duality. if you need screenpics of the models and the wireframes DigitalVapor, I could easily email them to ya, I just need to know if you are interested in the screengrabs... I all ready got permission from Mark and Dave to use these models for the map, including the Sith Terminator craft... so I have all the wireframes, a better view of the hallway, but other than that, I could email them to ya, I think the total amount of space for the emails is 2.9 mb, since they are like pics from the model viewer that Dave and Mark used for modeling the arena and the planet. my email addy is dmccarthy100@charter.net

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hey man we all had a rough time with this editor when we first started...some things still elude me on trying to get them right....if you want to collaborate maybe wnat someone to test or help you light let me know...id love to help out...i have 1 done and im working on 4 more maps at the moment...but i take breaks from each one and move on to the next for a bit so i dont get bored or frustrated...there azre some things that i dont know how to do on some maps etc so i move to my next idea to i get an answer or figure it out on my own....so if you need some help or just want another set of eyes to look at it let me know...you can send me the bsp and ill let ya know what i think....or...the map and ill try to touch it up and send it back..if i do the second part ill let ya know what i did and where...i need no credit for anything..... Id just hate to see a good mapper leave from the community because things are buggy and unknown...things will all be revealed in time...Y

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