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Favorite Special Unit

Guest Paladin

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Guest Admiral Odin

I think it will be an overall mech bonus not just for an AT AT, the snowspeeder is supposed to be the only air unit good against mechs...so


Oh that was from Gabers thread in the developers (one where he wanted our questions)

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i like the dark troopers because they're cheap and are semi-powerful. the rebal UU is going to be tough to beat with the imps though.

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Guest Darth Maul Jr.

Also think of how much time it would take for that Snowspeeder to shoot out its wire then fly a couple circles around an AT-AT! It would have to be really fast, cuz if it wasnt the other units would shoot the Snowspeeder down while it was making it laps. So if they did it and it was done fast enough it would probably be too fast to be worth watching. Also i think Snowspeeders will rule the air since speed an maneuverability wont play a role in this game cuz the air units dont dog fight each other, they just hover and blast each other, therefore the ship with the best armor and attack will win, so Snowspeeders will own mechs and it will own air.:D

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Guest Tie Guy

I'll take that bet, coz it is already confirmed that the rebel snubfighters will be:


1. X-Wing

2. Y-wing

UU: Snowspeeder


not neccessarily in that order. Also, i think that the Z-95 will be upgraded to the X-wing, but that's not confirmed. There will be no A-wing, except in the editor.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by JEDI_MASTA

does anyone have any idea what the bonuses are on the naboo royal guards???


This isn't confirmed, but i believe that they will be resistant to conversion and will have powerfull melee.


Oh, and they might have Z-95s, and then later in the ame you can upgrade them to X-wings, but i'm aren't sure about that.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Oh, and they might have Z-95s, and then later in the ame you can upgrade them to X-wings, but i'm aren't sure about that.


Most likly your right about that. The early screens shot Z-95s and they havn't changed too greatly much since then so they are probably still in there...(Quad Y-Wings:( How stupid)

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