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Medium Stance is ruining the game for me!


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Originally posted by ripmage

newbie flailers, and taking like 6 seconds to make a full swing is skill?? anyone with a brain can dodge it..


*is puzzled as he reads* Uh..... is it against your religeon to make full sentences? You have 2 fragments there and I have no Idea what the hell you're talking about.


Well... maybe they are almost sentences... but what the hell are you refering to?

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i use the medium stance exclusively. granted if i want to be a more rounded player, i'd get used to all of them and switch between them. however, i seem to do pretty well with just medium.


the only trouble with this is when i go up against someone who's pretty good with heavy stance. luckily, my evading/dodging skills are pretty developed. i usually wait for them to take a swing, strafe out of the way quickly, and take a swipe at them as they pass my previous position.

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OK , Again with the whole "Noobi" thing.. why don't u people give it a rest. Every forum I go to, theres ppl dissing new comers who bring new ideas and thoughts to debates. Just because people are new to something doesn't mean they are bad at it. or stupid, they are simply inexperienced. I my self am a "noobi" at JKII, I have only been playing the game a week. I have enjoyed it entirely so far. Especially the multiplayer game. I have played it a fair bit over the past week with my house mates on our lan... Its been great, lots of jumping around much piruetting(whatever, no dictionarry to hand) basicly it looks fancy but its been a bit hit an miss. ... hmm I wonder why this is, maby its because we are all new at this game an we haven't yet worked it out completly and got some skills.... So exactly how many of you were instant experts? hmm? I'd love to know how you did it.. it must be great being perfect.!! . I've been playing games for oh, 10 or so years, and it usually takes me a week or two to get really good at a game.. I realy wish i could be like u arrogent F***s and be an instant expert.!!!!.. Oh dear ,, won't you young fools ever learn? "noobis" are not being inexperienced to perticurlarly anoy you "experts", they are simply learning. why don't u do something constructive and offer the new players advice on how to fight, and don't take offence at their lack of perfection!.. OK... .. I've said my piece... and i awate the onslaught of insults.. ..



By the way , Insult my spelling/grammer and i will kill you ... (i am dyslexic)

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There's actually an odd little difference. Nobody objects to newbies (in theory) who are simply newcomers and usually have a desire to leanr and participate in the community. These people generally go on to become "experts".


When someone is referring to Noobs or n00bs, they mean the people who pay no attention to the universe around them, ignore all common sense and etiquette (of which there is a suprising amountin JK2), and generally annoy those around them by refusing to learn.


So, as a newbie I welcome you, and being a newbie does not automatically make you a noobie :>

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Though i had no idea that there was any difference (when i played JK1 we used newb) u r right. I never call new people n00bs. I mean, i wont call them that if they r annoying me. Like people who attack when saber is off. Well, i only get real mad if it says so in the title of the game. But, after i tell them it is bad, they usually stop. n00bs dont. thats what i think the difference kinda is. Like ok: i was playing a game, and there was this one guy he just... well.... to put it simply, he was a drain whore. Is the the term? well, not exactly a drain whore, like that, but with lightning(is this actually a bad thing to do, or is it just annoying?) Me and this guy (he's pretty good, our duels lasted LONG time) kept telling him to stop. He wouldn't. We asked him nicley. He wouldn't. we yelled at him. He didn't. I put drain and grip all the way up and threatened him. He didn't. That, ladies and gentlemen, is what I would call a n00b. n00b is more of an insult than meaning like newbie. Kinda like the way people use gay all the time.


oh and, i like to use hard. Mostly cause i either kick them down a lot, or grip, ect. And if i use it in duels, its like the movies and 1 hit will kill them. And if u ever fight bots in the pit (duel), heres what is fun to do: right when they throw saber (they always do) jump down, grip (level 3) and jump all the way up, make them go higher than u, and let them go. Then one or two slashes with most anything will kill them (1 with hard, once i got it to work so well that he just ran into my saber and died)


oh, and how do u raise your "rank" in the forums? i think im still bantha fodder.

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I use Med. stance only. I normally use the heavy stance when im fighting someone who "dont know jack" about aiming, and the norm of sitting still while attacking.


I use it because its fast, u heavy swing at me and ill hit you a good 2 times before u recover from the swing; that is if good ol' 56k modem will let me have a ping of 250.


I say let people do what they want, and use what they want because in the end they'll learn mostly from their mistakes.

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onslaught? your english $uxx0rs. and you have no point. Y not vent on noobs? when i lose to noob techniques, i cry myself to sleep. what should i do about that? tell them good job? tell them how to 'really' beat me? Why shouldn't the strong prey on the weak? survival of the quickest to buy the game...law of the computer gaming jungle.

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Well I will say one thing that the exclusive medium stance users do have a high opinion of themselves!


I think you all must fight heavy stance users who just swing and then stand there. You can move while you swinging to hit the medium guy when he tries that. I can't remember the last person who actually beat me with medium stance outside of dancing into me when I was fighting other people. It was a stylishly done pirouette reminiscent of Barishnikov...



And about the n00b thing - about the only thing worse or more funny that someone could yell at you in the game is "I suck at this game and I'm 14 and still wet the bed!"

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Originally posted by 0c00l

All those fruity ballet dancers pirouetting all over the place are causing me to laugh so much I can't defend myself from the rest of the players.


how can so many people have so much trouble matching someone elses skill that they have to verbally bash it OUTSIDE of the game to feel good?

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OK , Again with the whole "Noobi" thing.. why don't u people give it a rest. Every forum I go to, theres ppl dissing new comers who bring new ideas and thoughts to debates. Just because people are new to something doesn't mean they are bad at it. or stupid, they are simply inexperienced. I my self am a "noobi" at JKII, I have only been playing the game a week. I have enjoyed it entirely so far. Especially the multiplayer game. I have played it a fair bit over the past week with my house mates on our lan... Its been great, lots of jumping around much piruetting(whatever, no dictionarry to hand) basicly it looks fancy but its been a bit hit an miss. ... hmm I wonder why this is, maby its because we are all new at this game an we haven't yet worked it out completly and got some skills.... So exactly how many of you were instant experts? hmm? I'd love to know how you did it.. it must be great being perfect.!! . I've been playing games for oh, 10 or so years, and it usually takes me a week or two to get really good at a game.. I realy wish i could be like u arrogent F***s and be an instant expert.!!!!.. Oh dear ,, won't you young fools ever learn? "noobis" are not being inexperienced to perticurlarly anoy you "experts", they are simply learning. why don't u do something constructive and offer the new players advice on how to fight, and don't take offence at their lack of perfection!.. OK... .. I've said my piece... and i awate the onslaught of insults.. ..



By the way , Insult my spelling/grammer and i will kill you ... (i am dyslexic)


I'm dyslexic too, but I seem to be able to: use paragraphs, capitalize, puctuate, and spell (most of the time). I have to take my time and, oddly enough, I read sentences backwards--but I seem to get by. Have you ever looked for help with your dyslexia? Depending on where you are there should be programs that can help you deal with it.


Newbie isn't an insulting term, its like ignorance--people get offended if you call them ignorant, and it really isn't an insulting thing, it's just a fact. These are the people who ask questions in between duels (on dueling servers) and the people who aren't 100% sure what everything means. I personally have no problem with them, I try to be helpful and polite.


N00b is no longer a term that applies to people new to the game, its a generic insult like 'gay' or 'fag' and as I've said before, I'm glad it's replacing them. The people that call others n00bs are typically jerks and sore losers. Sometimes rational people use it to insult the jerks and sore losers. The fact is that its just another insulting term, and its much nicer than most.

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Ok hmm,Newbie came from the 1337 gamers of tribes which originated from haxorz language which is now called 1337 talk.The term n00b is supposed to be insulting and you should think.I dont have Jedi Knight II but Im acheing for it gonna buy it tommrow and gonna be called a n00b WOOT! :bdroid2:

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it comes down to this the people that are complaining are the people who do it in the game a real saberist can kill spinning newbies easily because they know the weaknesses of the moves and when to hit them

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Originally posted by Vestril

I'm dyslexic too, but I seem to be able to: use paragraphs, capitalize, puctuate, and spell (most of the time). I have to take my time and, oddly enough, I read sentences backwards--but I seem to get by. Have you ever looked for help with your dyslexia? Depending on where you are there should be programs that can help you deal with it.


Newbie isn't an insulting term, its like ignorance--people get offended if you call them ignorant, and it really isn't an insulting thing, it's just a fact. These are the people who ask questions in between duels (on dueling servers) and the people who aren't 100% sure what everything means. I personally have no problem with them, I try to be helpful and polite.



If someone calls me a newbie I can simply say, "What?"


Due to my name of course. :p


P.S. I would never guess you are dyslexic. I hear it's a more common thing than people know. A lot of people have it and are misdiagnosed - it should be a part of a standardized test.

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