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More heavy ranting


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The overuse of heavy stance is enough to have stoped me from playing the game. I have not fired up a multi match in close to two weeks now.


I come back mostly to see if the state of the game has changed, or to see if a patch has been released as well as to post to the off topic forum (I'm a star wars nut kinda).


The guy comes out and makes a point that at times people will leave a match when they get tired of being DFA'd from the same people over and over and over and over again. Now what happens if they have to leave several matches for the same reason? They go and play another online game.


And I have nothing at all against one hit kills. My main online game is AvP2 and that game has a huge number of one hit kill weapons.



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*sighs heavily* Here's an idea.... just don't post about this kind of topic anymore... it's getting kind of old, and REALLY childish. Please, spare my sanity and SHUT THE HELL UP!








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With some of the replies I've seen, I wonder about their reading comprehension scores on tests. Now to get back on topic.

I give a big thumbs up to what you are doing. It's nice to see an admin who is there to insure a good experience on his server. There are too many servers out there that are unattended, and also don't have a way to get ahold of the admin in the motd.

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If you're refering to me, I usually don't read the last few post because by then the people have usually calmed down and qiut yelling at each other. :) My posts telling people to.... SHUT THE HELL UP. Are directed to the thread starter or any one who flames or whines.


I have no patience what-so-ever, for whining (which is obvious to anyone who recognizes me.)

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"I usually don't read the last few post"



Then why are you posting into this thread. You have nothing more constructive then a 'shut up' to contrubute to this topic. Perhaps if you had read all the posts you might be able to add something that people will take into consideration as more then trolling.



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My list of reasons to boot people was not exhaustive. I didn't take 2 hours to think of every reason to boot people. so you don't need to flame about things I missed in my short list. I was giving examples of good reasons to boot people.


I agree, the damage model in JK2 stinks, gtg.

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Heavy stance will not be a problem once they fix:

1. Being able to rotate on the ground after doing the Attack from Above move.

2. Walking up to a vulnerable player after they've done the Attack from Above move and getting full damage (the lightsaber is in the ground, why take damage?)

3. Being able to run backwards at full speed.


Take these away and heavy will be more tollerable. Yes, there are ways to beat it, but when 3+ people you're fighting against are using it or SPAMMING it, then it gets annoying. Fast.

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Originally posted by Swingman

OMG, kicking people for figthing the way they want to fight. That is LAME.


You kick people for cheating, hacking, typing crap to everyone instead of fighting, etc


Not cause you don't like their fighting style.


Everyone does what is fun for them and what they are good at.


Heavy stance is not better then medium or light stance, it's different.


I use heavy stance cause i am good at it. It takes SKILL to predict where they'll move next so you can slow swing at them cause you definitely can't swing at where they are currently because they'll move by the time the swing comes around


plus, if you miss you're open to attack. Cry me a river about heavy stance, it's not overpowerful (and no i don't use that stupid lunge move on heavy stance, it's leaves the person to open for a counter attack - and it's easily sidestepped)


His server his rules....dont like em start your own server.

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People don't leave when their opponent starts spamming heavy stance...what the hell gave you that idea?


Your "research" is flawed.


People leave when they start losing horribly due to the fact of having little experience and being unable to compete.


If anyone agrees with this totally radical idea of booting winners from their servers then they should be shot.


Everything googlymoogly ever came up with is based on pure assumption after watching people leaving his server after losing...


I suppose you want to kick healers, drainers, grippers, pullers, pushers, D.F.A.ers too eh?




-end :guard:

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i dont care care about the stances, sure i want them to fix the strong styl bug, but thats it.


the only thing that gets my frustrated are the dark jedi that refuse to fight and only use grip, again and again and again, even though i counter it alllll the time they never stop using it lol

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Zante...um...did you even READ these posts?


Anyhow...looks like Raven has seen the light as well...after the patch lets hope I won't have to take this stance anymore.


As an FYI for all of you that think I have one finger on the Kick command....I played for quite a while yesterday and the top player was a heavy whore..he ended three consecutive rounds with almost 4x as many kills as anyone else. I didn't kick him, why?...because everyone else was still having a good time. All of the players besides him were using a combination of styles and we all had a blast....no one cared that they didn't win against the heavy.


Oh...I fought him several times too...he beat me...I beat him...but it was the usual fare...he would swing, then backup a mile away and charge me again. Correct me if I'm wrong but when dueling sabers the idea is to get in tight and mix it up...NOT spend all your time trying to get enough distance so you can whore your heavy swings. Very annoying...


I also saw some DFA SCRIPTS being worked on in another forum...WTF?... DFA is such a fun way to fight I guess it's more fun when all you need to do is press ONE button for insta-death. Gimme a freakin break...if you are gonna use it and claim mad skillz then at LEAST try to use the movement keys and attack button MANUALLY.

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Father Ruckus,




If you had read one of my other replies to this post you would have saw that I typed that same thing about it being his server his rules. So don't say dumb crap like that unless you read every single post.


Don't just copy one post and say oh, i found something to flame.

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Well here's the thing to remember.... 1) you can't force anyone to stay in your server, no matter what you do. and 2) if they want to play that way, you can't really stop them, unless you kick/ban them, which is up to you, but I suggest you instead get some more skill. I mean really... the way it is, the game will only be "fun" as long as everyone plays at the beginner level and nobody wins.


As soon as people get better, then suddenly it's "not fun" because people lose, and you desire to kick these folks or something? I guess you just have to continually get better, because competition is what the game is all about!

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It's not about WINNING....I don't care ONE BIT whether or not I win....It's NOT about SKILLS...I do just fine when I fight...no complaints.


Fun does not equate to winning....not to me anyway. FUN for me is having some nice STRATEGIC kick-azz, flipping, jumping, wall walking, fights.


Jezus, can't anyone state an opinion about a particular style of play without everyone assuming I don't like it because I suck?.


Styles are in the game to give more variety and options to the players, but as in Life most people want to find the quickest easiest way to the top. Well that's not my philosophy in Life and it's not my philosophy in games.



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GooglyMoogly is damn right!


All you people who can defend heavy stance obviously haven't been on the receiving end of it. Sure its easy to counter but I personally don't play JK2 just to spend 10-15 mins sidestepping all those "Demented Bunny Hoppers".


You say kicking hvy stance abusers is lame?!, Its his server and he gets my 100% backing and understanding. Heavy stance in the hands of a decent and respectable player is fine but when it is constantly abused and exploited at the cost of enjoyment for others then it becomes selfish and no server host or admin in good conscience can allow such things to go on.


You don't like his rules? Fine, go make your own server and restrict the lameness to there but just know that if/when the latest patch comes out, it will be us players who choose to play JK2 multi the decent way who will get the last laugh.


Don't get me wrong... this post isn't made with the intention of whining or complaining, Im simply defending a fellow player who has the courage to stand up and stop this kind of behaviour from public servers... (I wish there were more like him).


Just to summarize for all of you who couldn't be bothered reading this post in full: (by the looks of a few previous posts, some people obviously don't)


1) Use Heavy stance if you wish... but don’t rely on it as a means to win at the expense of others enjoyment (especially in NF duels ffs!)


2) Play respectfully, if you don’t wish to bow... fair enough don't, but don't expect other people to show you respect if you aren’t willing to do the same


3) If you are one of those people who enjoy flaming posts... then go ahead flame this one. I have come to the point of simply ignoring people who simply have nothing better to do than argue, whine or complain.


4) Play JK2 and have fun!! and next time your at the receiving end of a 'Demented bunny hopper' then think back to this thread...


Thank you and goodnight :vadar:

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I don't even know where to begin to reply after all those posts, some people just don't get it.


This is a G-A-M-E where you are supposed to


kill1 Pronunciation Key (kl)

v. killed, kill·ing, kills

v. tr.


To put to death.

To deprive of life: The Black Death was a disease that killed millions.

To put an end to; extinguish: The rain killed our plans for a picnic.


To destroy a vitally essential quality in: Too much garlic killed the taste of the meat.

To cause to cease operating; turn off: killed the motor.

To tire out completely; exhaust: “The trip to work, and the boredom and nervousness of jobs, kills men” (Jimmy Breslin).

To pass (time) in aimless activity: killed a few hours before the flight by sightseeing.

To consume entirely; finish off: kill a bottle of brandy.

Sports. To prevent a hockey team on a power play from scoring during (a penalty).

To cause extreme pain or discomfort to: My shoes are killing me.

To mark for deletion; rule out: killed the story.



your opponent. You're not trying to find the fairest way to accomodate all the other players so they all have equal kills. *End Game* Hey everybody you're all winners you all get a trophy! Now THAT's boring!



Strong stance is a legitimate stance in the game. You obviously haven't actually fought a skilled strong stance user because you said the game becomes boring.


BTW, sidestepping will not defeat a skilled strong stance user, you CAN move while slashing with the lightsaber...

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Rogue, your post started off stupidly... but that dictionary definition... lol really? Was that needed?


Granted... ITS A GAME!... So is baseball or soccer... but as a sign of respect the national anthem is played before each game.


Respect? Maybe I should get a dictionary definition for that also because that seems to just fly way over a few peoples head.


The sooner some people wake up to the fact that there are REAL people who choose to play for FUN (new word to you too?).


Just because you don't know someone personally doesn't make it right that you choose to ruin their game/fun by acting like an ass or abusing heavy stance.


You can act however you like in Jedi Knight SINGLE PLAYER... Your not gonna see anyone complaining that you use heavy against every single storm trooper... that’s your choice, have fun.


But when playing with other people, you have to consider that playing games online is a social thing to do... and like any member of society there are certain rules or at least things that most people (not all) learn In REAL Life.... e.g., not to act like an Ahole in public.



So next time you log on for a game of multiplayer JK2... remember that there are real people at the other end of your cheap one hit kills...


Perhaps then you might understand...



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First Googly, it was a mistake to post something like this on *this* forum, seeing how its notorious for reasons evident in your thread.


Now.. *cough* Your prerequisites seem to be for someone to deserve a kick, they need to cause other people to not want to play and not have fun. Have you considered the integrity of the people not having fun, instead of just the person 'causing' the harm to the others? Maybe its the fact that they're just burned out and will get pissy and leave if a lucky shot hits them.. I don't know, and you probably won't either unless they have a public record. Besides, maybe the people who left just went to go find another game-type server, but were having plenty of fun on yours. Who's to say...


Regardless of any arguments on this thread, it is your server. You can kick/ban someone for having a Weequay skin.. its your choice, and your money, but no one likes a server admin who kicks/bans for that sort of thing. (Not implying anything by the way).

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*sigh* Personally... It has been my experience that Heavy Stance abusers (especially in NO FORCE duels) do ruin the experience for others in the game.


Its not about winning and loosing... personally, if I loose I don’t quit a server or trash talk the winner. If I was beat fairly and both parties enjoyed the game then im happy.


But I think it is widely accepted that Heavy stance is UNBALANCED.... why else would the developers be working on balance issues with heavy on the latest patch?


I think Googly was making the point that most people play on his server with a few expectations. Expectations of playing a few games, winning or loosing. It don't matter the reasons they all left... for that we can only speculate... but still we cant be blind to the fact that a large proportion of players are opposed to people who exploit heavy stance at the cost of a good game.


(Notice how there are NO complaints about people exclusively using fast/medium stance...doesn't that tell you anything?)


But, I think your right in saying this topic has been talked to death... I think all we can do is wait for the patch and take it from there.



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Alright, after half an hour of reading through the posts, laughing my ass of at the unfounded allegations towards Googly, and just seeing how many flamers there are out there, I have come to a decision to post.


You people have completly missed his point, minus a few others. He posted one of his pet peeves about the game, and how he intends to deal with it. That sounds fair. He made his own server, so he doesn't preach to others in their server. His peeve is a valid one, as DFA is spammed horribly. I am a Dueslist (says so in my name) and I can say that there is nothing more tedious then beating down the same vanilla DFA over and over. Does this mean it should be removed? No. Every game has to have that sort of move. What it means is that it should A) be toned down in strength, or B) be harder to implement.


Also, before anyone gives me the rant about being a newb who can't duel, back off, and pull your heads out of your asses. I duel constantly in servers that allow only sabers, and no force, and I'm usually on the top of the list, or damn well near to the top, so I think I know a thing or two about saber combat. You people who are saying that DFA is a completly skillful thing to do, and because of that you are on the top, then you obviously prey on those who can't defend against it yet. Try taking on people who have learned the other stances, and know how to beat the heavy with ease. All your doing by spamming/whorring/(multiple other explitives) the new people and less talented people is turning them off the game.


If any of you feel like proving me wrong in this, and actually show me a DFA spammer with skill, feel free to take me on, one on one. HFE Kandyland FFA. you beat with it, so be it. you proved me wrong. Just show me that you know something more than that one move, then you'll earn the respect you claim you should have.


Now, get off Googly's back. He don't deserve **** like that.

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Finaly... Aegis I agree 100%


Im not saying Heavy should be removed... I myself like to switch to it on occasion... But rather than spam the one hit death move over and over I choose to vary my stances... Trust me this makes for a more enjoyable game.


Motto of the story... Use Heavy? Fine... Just don’t abuse it constantly. It won't win you much respect or many friends... so don't go crying on these boards if an admin kicks you off his server.



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