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My scripts for medium and heavy power stance


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Well there are not perfect ,but relatively reliable . The script looks clumsy cause I didnt know then that wait command could have numerci attribute (I used to that since HL :) . Remember that timing depend on your connection and your computer speed so u probably have to adjust em . And even then I myself don't use em often,cause I found that its more fun for me to do it manually .



seta waits "wait;wait;wait"

seta hlwait "vstr waits;vstr waits"

seta lwait "vstr waits;vstr waits;vstr waits;vstr waits"

seta hvlwait "vstr lwait;vstr lwait;vstr lwait"

seta vlwait "vstr lwait;vstr lwait;vstr lwait;vstr lwait;vstr lwait;vstr lwait"


// Power Moves


// Timing for hpower when running:

//"+attack;-attack;vstr vlwait;vstr vlwait;+moveup;vstr lwait; -moveup"

// Timing for hpower when standing still:

//(timing may vary .most important timing is between attack and forward)

//"+attack;-attack;vstr vlwait;vstr hvlwait;vstr lwait;vstr waits;+forward;vstr lwait;+moveup;vstr lwait; -moveup;-forward"


seta hpower "+attack;-attack;vstr vlwait;vstr hvlwait;vstr lwait;vstr waits;vstr waits;+forward;vstr lwait;+moveup;vstr lwait; -moveup;-forward"

//seta mpower "+forward;vstr lwait;+attack;vstr lwait;+moveup;vstr lwait;-moveup;-forward;-attack"


//Kick seems to work with attack as well so I leave attack in

//Damn It looks like below is combination for medium power move as well as kick!

//"+forward;vstr lwait;+attack;+moveup;vstr lwait;-moveup;-forward;-attack"

seta mkick "+forward;vstr lwait;+attack;+moveup;vstr lwait;-moveup;-forward;-attack"

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lol! That script is so damn retarded... I hope you don't program in real life.


The syntax of wait is:


wait #


Where # = amount of ticks to wait.


I have to laugh like hell at your amazing bloat of strings that call strings that call strings that call a wait function.... HAHAHAHAA!!!!!


Please don't work at Microsoft.

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Originally posted by Dimitri Popov

Supportive mesage board :rolleyes:


Hey, I supported him by telling him how to cut out 90% of the garbage in his script.


As with all my posts, if you cut out all the crap about how great I am and my mockery of everyone else, the rest of it is good stuff.



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Originally posted by Krazx

lol! That script is so damn retarded... I hope you don't program in real life.


The syntax of wait is:


wait #


Where # = amount of ticks to wait.


I have to laugh like hell at your amazing bloat of strings that call strings that call strings that call a wait function.... HAHAHAHAA!!!!!


Please don't work at Microsoft.


Well I do programming in RL .That script look so clumsy only because I didnt know tht syntax for Q3 engine .I thought Q3 doesnt have any adjustable delay like HL . I just made script with almost 100% reliable DFA with wait # .

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Originally posted by DarkMadMax


Well I do programming in RL .That script look so clumsy only because I didnt know tht syntax for Q3 engine .I thought Q3 doesnt have any adjustable delay like HL . I just made script with almost 100% reliable DFA with wait # .


Well I'm glad that my immature criticism actually helped to improve your programming skills. ;)

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Mad propz to all of you to knowing how to do all this script stuff in the first place...


I prefer to do all my fighting on my own - if I want to program the computer to do stuff for me, I might as well just watch it fight. :amidala:

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Although I don't use scripts because I prefer playing it all through myself (helps my ego when I win :D) I just wanted to say thanks to DarkMadMax for posting your scripts.


I think information sharing like this rather than restricting access is very cool of you.

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Originally posted by BigMexican

scripting isnt really an unfair edge. things like dfa scripts are just lame and stupid, but dont really give an advantage except vs new comers to the game who dont know how to counter it.


I wouldn't say that's 100% truth. Before I made my own DFA key bind, I couldn't even perform a DFA but maybe once out of 30 tries... once I got my keybind, I could do a DFA 2 out of 3 times. Now I can do it manually about half the time... so I certainly gave myself an unfair edge using that.


If I hadn't done that, I'd still be unable to perform a DFA.



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