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WANTED : thoughts and advice on my sp level


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my levels only about 1/5th done (though the rest of it should be faster to complete cause i kinda got the hang of it) and i was wondering if a couple of experienced people woulh have a look at what ive done and give me some advice on lighting and architecture and stuff.


this is my first level with radiant and my second level ever (i made one for MOTS about three years ago)


so i would greatly appreciate some advice on how to make it cool


if ur interested im can send it



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doesnt anyone else wanna check out the first section of my level for me?


i figure it would be easier to pinpoint errors and stuff if i get people to check it out a bit at a time


plus if someone can point out something stupid im doing in the first part i wont repeat it all through my level


i got it down to 2.6 megs





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actually theres a prob with my email that im gonna have to wait for someone to fix for me as i dont have the info required to do it


......which sux



anyway now im freakin out about the size of my map


compressed with just the map and without the extra sounds and extra model that goes with it its 1.64 megs


thats only the first fifth of the total level and it takes only like five minutes to get through


is that wierd?



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