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can't activate Force powers


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I don't know what I am doing but I can't use Force powers in MP. I've allocated my force points but when I play the game everyone else is using lightning and I can't even push them over.


Any ideas?

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woah, an aussie!


make sure you have a button bound to use the selected force power, and make sure you've selected a force power. check that the force power you're trying to use hasnt been disabled by the server, and lastly, try holding down the force activation button, and if that doesnt work, try tapping it. different forces require different actions ...

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Originally posted by CBrate

It actually tells you your new force config won't take place until you next spawn so all you need to do is jump off the nearest cliff.


Actually even if I die, my force powers are non-existent. I have to spectate then rejoin the game before they take affect.

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