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2 servers

David Icke

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Ive got a free for all server running, and its running well with lots of visitors. I wanna test my limits and run a duel server (sabers only) with a 4 player maximum side by side with it, computer power isnt a problem 2 cpu`s and plenty of ram. but connection is just 512kb upstream 1500kb down.

what options do i need to consider running the second server. I got max rate set to 6000 is this too little?. how do I specify a different port for it, any info from someone who knows about any issues regarding running 2 servers will be apreatiated

if anyones got a duel server.cfg they wanna share , ill be well chuffed ;)



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All you need to do to set the server to a different port is to specify which one to use via +set net_port 280xx in your command line before your execute the server.cfg. One thing to be careful about is that if you're running the server as the same user that is running the first server, they will share the same jk2mpconfig.cfg. That could cause some problems if you have settings from one that aren't "reset" by the other. Anything you set in one that isn't set by the other differently will be "shared".


As far as bandwidth goes, you didn't specify what player capacity you have on your FFA server. I'd figure the maxrate of 6000 should be fine and still save you some bandwidth. Which OS are you running? Either way, you might consider setting up some network logging so you can tell just how much bandwidth you are using at various times. I find that information quite useful.

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thanks for reply,,,


its linux OS,, ffa server is max 12 but 3 reserved for private use,,


am i right in thinking that i only need to specify one port, then open one port up on my router,, i think i remember opening more than 1 port for the ffa server?...


ill look into the network monitring think,, a few good ones out for linux i think,



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I use MRTG to do my log analysis. It's not perfectly accurate, but it gives you a good idea what's going on and when. As far as the ports needed open, you probably opened up the full range of ports the JK2 needed and it should work out just fine.

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look like my router wont let mrtg examine it,, its kust a little hardware thingy with little software on it..


you know a good one that measures outgoing trafic from the interface, that would give an idea about needed bandwidth?

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If you're running the servers from the same user account, then you should delete any lines in jk2mpconfig.cfg that differ between the two (or empty it out completely) and then change the permissions so the user running the servers can't read or write the file.

Or just run them from different user accounts :)

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You'll need to change the server info, obviously. While I don't pretend that my config is perfect or exhaustive--it works and is easy to read and modify.


// Server Information

seta sv_hostname "Server Name" //As it appears in the server list

seta g_motd "My MOTD"

sets Administrator "Admin Name"

sets CPU "My CPU"

sets Clan "My Clan"

sets Email "myemail@mywebsite.com"

sets Connection "OC192" // I wish

sets URL "www.mywebsite.com"

sets Location "wherever"

seta sv_zone "DUEL" // For info only

seta g_needpass "0" // 0=No 1=Yes - For info only. Does not password server.


// Passwords

seta g_password "" // Leave emtpy for no pass

seta rconPassword "myrconpass" // Used to remote admin server

seta sv_privatePassword "myprivatepass" // Used to access private slots


// Basic Server Settings

seta sv_pure "1" // Pure setting enforces pk3 file checks

seta sv_maxRate "7000" // Generally between 5000-10000. Max 25000

seta sv_minPing "0" // This ping or higher to connect. 0 = disabled

seta sv_maxPing "0" // This ping or lower to connect. 0 = disabled

seta sv_floodProtect "1" // Helps keep clients from flooding server

seta sv_maxclients "8" // Max number of connected players

seta g_maxGameClients "0" // Max number of non-spectactors. 0 = disabled

seta sv_privateClients "4" // Number of private slots. Access with sv_privatepassword

seta sv_timeout "120" // Time (in seconds) server waits for packet before disconnecting clients

seta g_allowvote "0" // Allow clients to vote for map/rules changes (0=No/1=Yes)


// Logging

seta g_logfile "2" // 0=None, 1=Buffered, 2=Continuous, 3=Append

seta g_log "games.log" // Default location is ~/.jkii/base/

seta g_logSync "1" // 1=Write complete lines

seta g_statLog "0" // Probably similar to g_logfile. Untested.

seta g_statLogFile "stats.log"


// Game Settings

seta fraglimit "1" // For Duel - Frags a single player accumulates to rotate players

seta duel_fraglimit "10" // Number of times a single player hits the fraglimit to rotate maps

seta timelimit "20" // Time limit for round if fraglimit not hit--could be disabled for duel

seta g_weaponDisable "65531" // 65531 = saber only

seta g_duelWeaponDisable "65531" // Same as g_weaponDisable, but for duels

seta g_forcePowerDisable "32767" // Selectively disable force powers. 32767 = no force

seta g_saberLocking "1" // Allow saber locks to occur

seta g_maxForceRank "7" // Sets number of points players receive for force powers

seta g_forceBasedTeams "0" // If on Rebellion must use light force powers while Empire must use dark force powers

seta g_forceRegenTime "200" // Time to regen full force power. Default 200 = 20 seconds

seta g_spawnInvulnerability "3000" // Time invulnerable after spawn. Default 3000 = 3 seconds

seta g_doWarmup "0" // Set to enable warmup before round.

seta g_warmup "0" // Warmup before round stats. Must enable g_doWarmup.

seta g_teamAutoJoin "0" // Force players to join a team when entering

seta g_teamForceBalance "0" // Force players to join team with fewer players

seta g_redteam "Empire" // Can customize the name of the red team

seta g_blueteam "Rebellion" // Can customize the name of the blue team

seta g_gametype "3" // 3 = Duel

seta g_autoMapCycle "1" // (0/1) (Off/On) Rotates through all maps for gametype. Disable to use custom rotation.


// Banning

seta g_banIPs "" // List of IP's to be banned

seta g_filterBan "1" // Enable Ban by Ip


// Map Rotation

map duel_carbon

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