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a solution to the grip and drain combo!


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I belive I have an even better idea...


Have explosive weapons knock the person back, like an explosion should do anyway, and break the grippers hold, like it should do anyway.


Nothing like a concusion shockwave to break your concentration...

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that ok,but by the time you have a gun out, unless your carrying it, you are usually gripping your own throat, and unable to shoot/swing... but good idea none the less...


maybe you should be able to taunt them, and break their concentration... "good, now go away, or i shall taunt you a second time!!" :D

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Well whenever someone takes their hand off the saber, whether it's to execute a force power, pick their nose or taunt, I unload about 4 clips of wholesome stormtrooper rifle into their chests.


But I'm cheap right?


-End :guard:

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