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Code Source Release Date (if at all)?


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First off, I apologize if anyone has already posted this question, but I couldn't find it.


Does anybody know if there is going ot be a JK2 source code release in the future?


I've been looking at the Q3A source for a while and I'd sure like to do some JK2 editing that doesn't involve map making/skinning/scripting.



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Raven has posted on their official FAQ that a "more complete" SDK will be released in the future as well as some source code, but it seems they are talking about only releasing the multi-player portion . . . BOO BOO BOO.


What we simply must do is flood Ken Hoekstra's inbox with requests for the Single Player source code . . . but be as polite as you possibly can.



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Oh boy,

I really have to say I think that would be a mistake. I know writing my opinion in here does no good, but I'll rant anyway; without the single player source code, you don't get enough information about the game and other examples of force powers. You can pretty much rule out any sort of pure co-op type game play. I don't think ANY amatur coder, including myself, could come up with the code for reborn saber ai not to mention stormtroopers and stuff. The quality of the mods in general would suffer I think, plus, some people might want to make single player mods...



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I wrote a, e mail to the team leader of raven's programers and he answered me (quickest answer eve like 20 minutes...) :

That the SDK will be released just after the patch if not in the same time !

so I m waiting for the patch lol !!!!

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