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Agreed, it is not the victor's fault if the vanquished is less skilled. Whenever I am slain, I have no problem being beaten by a more skilled player.


However, I do take exception to being killed due to weirdities in the game. In Jedi Outcast, I have witnessed fatal strikes against another player that did not appear anywhere near the target, yet kill instantly. Conversely, I have seen lightsabers go right through another player, without imparting any damage.


It is frustrating events such as these, which severely detract from the game, in my opinion. Can one learn to adapt to the peculiarities of the game? Absolutely. Should one have to? I believe the answer to that is clearly rhetorical.


My point in raising this issue is to urge caution before laying all the blame on the so-called newbie hordes, lest one claim that Jedi Outcast is without fault - perfection.

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Hehe, good point... I have not heard one person say that JO is bug-free. Rightfully so, of course...no PC game is ever totally bug free at release straight out of the box anymore...


But given the nature of the gameplay...there's no way you can expect an internet game to be able to perfectly duplicate a fast paced lightsaber fight...




...not on first release at least. :D

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Zante i concur with your theory about sore players who complain about people who actually take the time to learn how to kill people. After all, if you didnt wanna win...why play? other than role play and enjoyment...but winning makes it more fun.



I myself am not sore loser, however i do lose a few times, (not too often though).


I have fought you in a duel server and you did win by using the heavy stance...but i did kill you a few times :violin:


I love duel servers personally :lsduel:


What I hate is people who use lightining alot :lightning: but I learn to live with it, when heal is available. However more experienced gamers seem to use lightning in a more deadly and less annoying manner than :newbie:


im not saying im a great saber fighter :dsaber: but i could give players a run for their money. (to be politically correct, i do Not gamble on these servers)


Zante, you are obviously the type that likes to win and wants to win and will do just about anything TO win.



there are 2 answers i will say for this quote, not wanting to annoy or complicate some of the lesser intelligent people.


1: Really /sarcasm, D'uh


2 (for the person with the more intellect): Wot you are implying is that if you have a gift, you should hide it and never reveal how good you are, i mean its unfair tham im not playing professionall football and some people are...

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Amen Zante!! btw, how long did it take to write all that? :):rolleyes:


Im a medstancer who sometimes uses Heavy. I rarely use DFA myself, because I like long duels.


I have no problem with people using DFA since its very easy to slice em in mid air with a horizontal swing. Or you can kill them after theyve landed. If you just want to dodge, for yodas sake use roll. If you wanna be a real Pain in the ass, throw.


Ok i admit I sometimes (hehe) curse after being killed by a DFAer, but it ends there, I dont go and spam forums because I lack skill.


end ;)



btw, I never seem to find any of you guys on any servers at all, where do you guys play?!? :confused:

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Jahs wrote...

Amen Zante!! btw, how long did it take to write all that?


If you're talking about all the icons I used, it's so people actually read the post. Many people will just read the first few lines then run away =)


also all the






Make it seem longer than it actually is. =(




As for what servers I play on...usually gamesdomain.co.uk (1-6)


-End :guard:

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Hey man I totaly argee with what you are saying.


And the game is unbalanced !!


Why do peaple say it is unblanced ?

Because they see the jedis in the movies and they all win and when they play they dont ?

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