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Bring it on!

Nill the Mean

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Yeah it's for real! Come to my house and I'll show you just how many ways there are to feel pain! Bring it peepz! All of you! At the same time! Lol...


I thought with so many people on this forum that there would be plenty of people up for a challenge. We'll see what happens...


I'm just tired of smashing n00bs and slicing DFA spammers.

I mean, at least once a game there is some idiot who keeps firing at me with blaster/pistol/bowcaster despite the fact that I am clearly defelcting everything back at them. They end up killing themselves, I don't have to even walk. Yesterday I was busy typing my model change into the console (Reborn Fencer all the way) when some guy attacks me. I think to myself:

"Stupid lamer, I'll get him later,"

But I didn't have to, he killed himself on my saber without me even playing! I mean, how stupid can people get? He couldn't beat a stationary target... shamefull.

So far there have only been 6 or so people that evened up or beat me in duels, and I haven't even been playing online for half a year yet! I only got my connection in Febuary so I'm still an online newbie... in a way.


I just want to fight someone with a brain!

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