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Possible Counter to Jump Monkeys? Feedback please


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i have tried this occasionally and, although it requires excellent timing, it works well against those darn jumpers - use the light stance lunge to hit them before they hit you - their saber is not in front of them, and when you hit them they get blasted backward - other than just pushing them, that is the only offensive way i can think of to deal with jumpers - if this is too complicated, I dont need to tell you to just get out of the way

unrelated question - is the medium special ever really useful - i have done it but no one is ever stupid enough to block it - once someone backstabbed me when i did it:)

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Whip out a gun when the jumper is mid-air and they can't defend against it. The Repeater is a good choice, or the rifle's alt-fire.


I hope you're not complaining about them moving around quickly and jumping and rolling...that's part of the fun of the game. And besides, if they are jumping alot they are sucking up their Force at a most prodigious rate.


When they finally land, walk towards them, start a heavy swing and Pull...you'll own 'em.


I've never managed to pull off the medium special, although from what I've read it's the same as the Heavy special, but doesn't take as long to recover from.

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