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Bleh, the guns don't need to be fixed. DFA maybe but...


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Why are you guys complaining about the guns? Raven made them weak enough for god sakes. Have you ever played other FPSs other then JK2? The guns of other games such as UT and Q3 are much more powerfull then JK2. Stop whining just because you're a crappy player.


Serious, lets look at the weapons...


Rocket - Only 3 rockets per ammo pack, ammo is very scarce on most maps. Rockets themselves are very slow and easy to push back.


Flechette - Primary is only good at close range and can be blocked with saber. Secondary is hard to use in open maps and it takes lots of ammo. Doesn't do excessive amounts of damage except at close range with a direct hit.


Repeater - Primary is pretty weak, I dont use it much. Secondardy eats a lot of ammo, has a short range, and is hard to hit with because of the arched trajectory.


The guns are fine guys, don't complain if you get blasted by a gun if 1) you want to dual but you're not smart enough to join a dual server 2) not a good enough player to know how to play well.


The only think that I think needs to be changed is the hitbox of the DFA. It seems to large. Other then that, it's fine.

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i think most of the jk2 players (including myself) want to use the saber most. thus, they get annoyed if somebody uses a ranged weapon (infact, every other weapon than the saber).

and not all players who want to use saber only are willing to join a duel server or a ffa saber only server (i do though :))

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The only mode of Gameplay i use is CTF FF, although somtimes i play TFFA NF with my clan on TWF Ladders...... My Gun of Choice is the Repeater... i can aim very well with it, the arch isnt hard to manage and its prity powerful.


Iv played UT and DANG the guns in that are like 10X more powerful... i REALLY like the sniper gun in UT.... still havent played Q3 much...

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Guns in a FFA make it much more interesting. Nothing like owning someone while a hail of blasterfire is heading your direction.


You can always just dance around someone, pull the blaster out of their hand, kick them to the floor and then let them have it.

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I think you're wrong about most people wanting to use saber. Most of the servers on the net allow guns, and most of the people on them use guns. The problems start when some one wants everyone to play the way he/she wants them to play. Isn't that selfish?

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